Ubuntu 24.04 upgrade

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Revision as of 20:31, 14 January 2025 by M (talk | contribs) (→‎Upgraded boxes)
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GUI systems

  • Upgrading gnome can be troublesome shit from command line. Do this:
    • exit i3, boot into Gnome
    • hit Alt, type Software Updater, go through options to upgrade
  • Or to try from the command line anyway:
# (ensure all repos are working)
# reboot


sudo do-release-upgrade


sudo apt install update-manager
sudo update-manager &

Non-GUI systems

# (ensure all repos are working)
# reboot
# connect via direct proxmox shell (not ssh)
sudo do-release-upgrade
# mail server: none
# change sudoers? N (default)
# Keep local sshd_config
# remove local packages? Y
# restart? Y


I'm skeered, will my i3 work ootb? I thought 24.04 was wayland... Starting with non-gui...

Steps to perform on all boxes

  • move new /etc/systemd/networkd.conf out of the way so we can stow our (IMPORTANT) version:
sudo su -
cd /etc/systemd
mv mv networkd.conf networkd.conf.orig-24.04
setup_stow.sh # should create /etc/systemd/networkd.conf symlink
sudo service networkd-dispatcher restart
  • re-add custom apt repos via setup_stow.sh
    • NOTE: all custom apt repos are removed by upgrade, but it kindly replaces jammy with noble so they can often easily be re-enabled
    • Always edit files in config/ubuntu/*/etc/apt/sources.list.d then apply symlinks via setup_stow.h
    • Always opt for sources file not list file when possible; see qtb notes below for a specific example
  • check Samba, it "broke bad" on bandit - but i fixed it by adding SMB to m user in hive UI, hrmmm, so I don't know why it broke with 24.04...

Upgraded boxes

  • matryoshka
  • morosoph
  • bandit


  • positronic needs migration to postfix (from 13 > 17!) as v13 is deprecated now
  • glam, lots of goo there
  • dev2 (GUI!)
  • abtdev1 (GUI!)


bandit do-release-upgrade seemed to go without any trouble, but it takes a WHILE... like, half an hour or more...

  • looks like i killed snapd on bandit, and that was preserved, yes!
  • re-add qbt apt repo - we should now use SOURCES not LIST, it is the more modern solution (has more metadata, including a key)
sudo su -
cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d
mv qbittorrent-team-ubuntu-qbittorrent-stable-jammy.list ~/backup
mv qbittorrent-team-ubuntu-qbittorrent-stable-jammy.sources qbittorrent-team-ubuntu-qbittorrent-stable-noble.sources
ne qbittorrent-team-ubuntu-qbittorrent-stable-noble.sources
# the upgrade already replaced jammy with noble, NICE - we just need to ENABLE IT!  SWEET!
  • AFTER ensuring setup_stow.sh and Samba are working (see above), re-add my custom qbt service:
sudo systemctl enable qbittorrent-nox.service
sudo systemctl start qbittorrent-nox.service