Ubuntu quickstart

From Bitpost wiki
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  • Install Ubuntu from thumb, following OS installation instructions.
    • nvidia drivers
      • sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall
      • (OR... older...)
      • open unity-control-center WITHIN UNITY, or from i3 i think you must open AS ROOT: sudo unity-control-center
      • select Sofware and Updates
      • select Additional Drivers tab, click nvidia (and Intel mobo, etc as needed) proprietary driver, Apply
  • REFIND Ensure refind remains the boot manager; download and unpack the zip, then reinstall:
cd apps/refind-bin-0.10.3

The rest of this is deprecated and is being moved into barebones...

sudo apt install acpi arandr audacity automake blender blueman bridge-utils build-essential cifs-utils cmake compton curl doxygen dunst emacs exfat-fuse exfat-utils feh ffmpeg figlet firefox gimp git gksu gnome-settings-daemon gparted grdesktop hexchat hfsprogs htop i3 i3lock i3status jp2a k4dirstat kdiff3 kodi libbz2-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev libtool lxappearance maim meld nautilus-compare nautilus-dropbox net-tools network-manager-gnome network-manager-openvpn-gnome openssh-server openvpn p7zip-full pavucontrol pnmixer python-dev qtcreator qt-sdk rename rxvt-unicode screen slop smartmontools smbclient software-properties-common sqlite3 sqlitebrowser steam stow suckless-tools synergy tig tree ubuntu-restricted-extras valgrind vlc xfce4-power-manager
  • Slightly different at work:
# REMOVE: blender blueman kodi steam synery
# ADD: 
sudo apt install open-vm-tools open-vm-tools-desktop mercurial awscli nfs-common
sudo easy_install pyinotify && sudo pip install pylint twisted pex
# also set up zoiper, see the software page
  • VirtualBox on adept
# REMOVE xfce4-power-manager blender compton kodi nautilus-dropbox network-manager-gnome network-manager-openvpn-gnome openvpn steam
# ADD: sudo apt install virtualbox virtualbox-ext-pack
sudo apt install acpi arandr audacity automake awscli blueman bridge-utils build-essential cifs-utils cmake compton curl doxygen dunst emacs exfat-fuse exfat-utils feh ffmpeg figlet firefox gimp git gksu gnome-settings-daemon gparted grdesktop hexchat hfsprogs htop i3 i3lock i3status jp2a k4dirstat kdiff3 libbz2-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev libtool lxappearance maim meld mercurial nautilus-compare net-tools nfs-common openssh-server p7zip-full pavucontrol pnmixer python-dev qtcreator qt-sdk rename rxvt-unicode screen smartmontools smbclient software-properties-common sqlite3 sqlitebrowser stow suckless-tools synergy tig tree ubuntu-restricted-extras valgrind vlc
sudo easy_install pyinotify && sudo pip install pylint twisted pex
  • I'M AVOIDING THESE as i don't think i need or want them any more...
sudo apt-get install chromium-browser scrot gnome-screenshot ruby ruby-dev 
  • SAMBA as root, create /root/samba_credentials (get it from another machine), and chmod 400 on it
cd ~/development/config/[new machine]
# DO ALL THE FOLLOWING AT ONCE or your system will be fubar
cp -r -p viper/ubuntu [new machine]/
# be careful, this will need pruning/updating NOW
grep -R viper * # search so you can replace!
# HAVE AT LEAST THESE UPDATED for things to start working:
# etc/fstab
# etc/hosts
# home/m/.bashrc
# NOTE: when you run setup, stow will give you further feedback
cd scripts/ubuntu
  • set chrome or other default browsers to save to /home/m/bitpost/download/torrents
  • download boost, symlink to /home/m/development/boost, build with my script
  • run qtcreator, load CMakeLists.txt files for important projects, and configure release/debug projects
  • install an editor like Brackets yeah or Sublime
  • run xfce4-power-manager-settings and set power settings as desired (including activating bar applet)
  • Get lots of UnixPorn goodness going

OLD NOTES that should be handled in setup script...

Ubuntu 16.04 "Xenial Xerus" setup
Ubuntu 16.10 "Xenial Xerus" upgrade
sudo visudo
cd .i3 && mv config config.backup && ln -s /home/m/development/config/common/home/m/.i3/config config # and press Mod+Shift+C to reload
cd .gconf/apps/gnome-terminal/profiles/Default && mv %gconf.xml %gconf.xml.backup && ln -s /home/m/development/config/common/home/m/.gconf/apps/gnome-terminal/profiles/Default/%gconf.xml %gconf.xml
# fix up fstab as/if needed
su -
cd /etc
mv fstab /home/m/config/etc/fstab
ln -s fstab /home/m/config/etc/fstab
subl /home/m/config/etc/fstab /home/m/development/config/melange/ubuntu/etc/fstab # and copy samba mounts
su -
cd /etc
diff /etc/hosts /home/m/config/etc/hosts (most important: make sure correct hostname is being used)
mv hosts /home/m/config/etc/hosts
ln -s hosts /home/m/config/etc/hosts
# keep going with all remaining symlinks.... until....

verify_ubuntu_config_symlinks # ALL THESE should now be SYMLINKS
# set up .bashrc - see another machine's as an example; use the common parts at top and bottom; make sure to update script path