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Revision as of 23:41, 18 July 2020 by M (talk | contribs)
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Solid but more work.

Server installation
  • Package install:
apt install tightvncserver
  • Update the server config:
 # enter pwd
 # optionally enter pwd for read-only sharing
 # note the result, eg: New 'X' desktop is melange:2
 # in this case, vnc desktop is running on desktop 2, because 1 was already running 'regular' X
cd ~/.vnc
cp xstartup xstartup.orig
emacs -nw xstartup # and replace with:
  xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
  /usr/bin/i3 &
vncserver -localhost # only allow connections from localhost; we will use ssh tunnel
Network configuration
  • Set up an ssh tunnel on the home LAN to the VNC server:
ssh -L 59000:localhost:5901 -C -N melange

You can leave this running to enable anytime-connect.

  • Set up an ssh tunnel on remote client (eg. viper) to the home LAN:
ssh -L 59000:localhost:59000 -C -N
Remote client connect
  • On remote machine, install client package (this is actually tightvnc, cmon assholes fix the name):
sudo apt install xvnctightviewer
  • Run it!
vncviewer & # and enter [localhost:59000]

Bah bullshit, I can't get the i3 display to start up properly.


Apparently I need a better xstartup:

xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
xsetroot -solid grey

#Fix to make GNOME work

DISPLAY=.2 i3 &

Make sure you kill any running server before starting it again:

vncserver -kill :2 # or .3 or .4...
vncserver -localhost # should start on .2 since X is already running - is that a prob?

vino & remina

Using the "Ubuntu way", everything is supposed to be brought together under [mh-ubuntu-settings] Ubuntu Settings > Sharing. (but it's crap, read on...)

The packages it needs underneath are:

sudo apt-get install vino # VNC server; RESTART GNOME after installation
sudo apt-get install remina # VNC client

Ubuntu screwed the pooch on vino-server config, no systemd support baked in? This explains how you can set up a service. Geez oh pete.

# allow local connections
gsettings set org.gnome.Vino network-interface lo

# see all settings
gsettings list-keys org.gnome.Vino

# run the fucker
/usr/lib/vino/vino-server &

Consider other VNC servers instead that allow startup on boot?