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It also runs my only gitlab runner.  So it is required to be running for gitlab jobs to run.
It also runs my only gitlab runner.  So it is required to be running for gitlab jobs to run.
== Jaws support ==
Jaws is a RocketChat set of containers (rocketchat+mongo).  Some images like Mongo 5.0 require more-advanced CPU capabilities than Proxmox grants by default. Specifically, Mongo 5.0 requires AVX cpu instructions. To enable them:
Proxmox > VM > Edit > Processor > Type: "host"

== History ==
== History ==

Revision as of 17:31, 7 March 2023

Matryoshka is a docker container host.

It also runs my only gitlab runner. So it is required to be running for gitlab jobs to run.

Jaws support

Jaws is a RocketChat set of containers (rocketchat+mongo). Some images like Mongo 5.0 require more-advanced CPU capabilities than Proxmox grants by default. Specifically, Mongo 5.0 requires AVX cpu instructions. To enable them:

Proxmox > VM > Edit > Processor > Type: "host"


Moving data from old jaws rocketchat VM to matroyshka docker container

I moved mongo data in from old jaws VM:

 🦈 m@jaws  [~] mongodump --host=localhost --db rocketchat
 🦈 m@jaws  [~] scp -rp dump matryoshka:
🪆  m@matryoshka  [~/apps/RocketChat] docker stop rocketchat-rocketchat-1
🪆  m@matryoshka  [~/apps/RocketChat] docker cp dump rocketchat-mongodb-1:/tmp/
🪆  m@matryoshka  [~/apps/RocketChat] docker exec rocketchat-mongodb-1 bash -c 'mongo rocketchat --eval "db.dropDatabase()"'
🪆  m@matryoshka  [~/apps/RocketChat] docker exec rocketchat-mongodb-1 bash -c 'mongorestore --db rocketchat /tmp/dump/rocketchat'
🪆  m@matryoshka  [~/apps/RocketChat] docker compose up -d

It has a bug! had to do this...

 🪆  m@matryoshka  [~/apps/RocketChat]
docker exec -it rocketchat-mongodb-1 'mongo'
use rocketchat
 "_id" : "Rate_Limiter_Limit_RegisterUser",
 "createdAt" : ISODate("2022-07-01T05:32:48.791Z"),
 "value" : 1,
 "packageValue" : 1,
 "valueSource" : "packageValue",
 "secret" : false,
 "enterprise" : false,
 "i18nDescription" : "Rate_Limiter_Limit_RegisterUser_Description",
 "autocomplete" : true,
 "sorter" : 0,
 "ts" : ISODate("2022-07-01T05:32:48.791Z"),
 "type" : "int",
 "group" : "Rate Limiter",
 "section" : "Feature_Limiting",
 "enableQuery" : "{\"_id\":\"API_Enable_Rate_Limiter\",\"value\":true}",
 "i18nLabel" : "Rate_Limiter_Limit_RegisterUser",
 "hidden" : false,
 "blocked" : false,
 "requiredOnWizard" : false,
 "env" : false,
 "public" : false,
 "_updatedAt" : ISODate("2022-07-01T05:38:12.246Z")

docker compose down
docker compose up -d