
From Bitpost wiki

IntelliJ CLion is a heavy IDE for cross-platform C++. Good for Intellisense-like assistance.

Ultimate Edition

I have a full license for my open-source work, granted a year at a time. Download the tar, untar it here, and set up a symlink:

ln -s clion-#### clion

During installation, it will ask where to put startup script, make it machine-specific for now to handle diff version, eg:


Project Settings

  • You typically have a CMakeLists.txt file that defines your CMake project. Clion can open this!
  • Next you should set up build/run/debug settings.
  • BUILD: Go to File > Settings > Build > CMake
    • Debug is typically there as a default. Hit the copy button and you'll get a Release too (silly).
    • I set them up under cmake-debug and cmake-release (I remove the middle -build- part).
    • Update the build options from the default of [-j 4] to [-j 8] if you have an i7 chip with hyperthreading for FAAAAAST COMPILES
  • RUN/DEBUG: Go to Run > Edit Configurations...
    • Application > at_server (or other project name) - this is a debug setup
    • Copy it to create a release setup, call it [at_server ** LIVE **] (or whatever is best)
    • Set both of them to run in [..] (the parent dir of the cmake build dir)

First time clean+build

First time building should be done with scripts:

  • cda && cd cmake-debug && ./ && ./ && cd ..
  • cd cmake-release && ./ && ./ && cd ..


  • Boost should be built as usual:
    • unzip a release to development/boost_##_# and set up a development/boost symlink
    • cd to boost and use build_boost_release_and_debug
    • make sure .bashrc sets its variable to the currently-installed version