#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use CGI qw(:standard);
my $scriptdir = "/home/user/scripts/torrent";
# If we're already running, get outta Dodge...
# Just count the script processes, we only want 1.
my $runcount = `pgrep -f "bash process_finished_torrents.pl"|wc -l`;
# Funny perl note - to make sure it sees a var as a number, do math on it!
# Just add zero, haha. I've also read that you can just chomp it?
chomp( $runcount );
$runcount = $runcount + 0;
if ( $runcount > 1 )
print "\n[process_finished_torrents.pl] is already running, quitting...\n";
exit 1;
my $mode = param('mode');
if ( !$mode || ( $mode ne "test" && $mode ne "auto" ) )
print "\n Usage: process_finished_torrents.pl mode=[auto|test]\n\n";
exit 2;
# ======== SEARCH EXPRESSIONS =========
# Here, we check the top-level file or dir name in [finished],
# as well as the torrent name. First hit wins, so more specific/exact
# checks should go first!
my %titlesearch = (
'untu[ -\[\]\(\)\.]' => '.linux/Ubuntu',
'centos[ -\[\]\(\)\.]' => '.linux/CentOS',
'your[ -_\.]show[ -_\.]' => '.tv/YourShow',
'[.]png$' => '.images',
# Here, we search the files within the top-level dir.
# We do this only if all titlesearches fail. First hit wins.
# NOTE: we haven't needed to implement this yet...
my %dirsearch = (
'[.]png$' => '.images',
# ======== SEARCH EXPRESSIONS end =====
# Loop through all "finished" directories.
my @finished = `alias ls=ls && cd ~/download/torrents/finished && ls -1 2>/dev/null`;
my @alltorrents = `cd ~/download/torrents && ls -1 *.torrent 2>/dev/null`;
my $count = 0;
foreach ( @finished )
my $fin = $_;
chomp $fin;
# Make a nice count variable for printing.
my $countprint = sprintf( "%3d", $count );
# Loop through torrents to find $finished...
my $found_torrent = '';
my $torcount = 0;
foreach ( @alltorrents )
# print "$_";
my $tor = $_;
chomp $tor;
my $torfile = `cd ~/download/torrents && php "$scriptdir/extract_torrent_dir.php" "$tor"`;
#print $torfile;
if ( $torfile eq $fin )
$found_torrent = $tor;
# Might as well truncate the torrent list as we go,
# for better performance when there are lots of torrents...
if ( $found_torrent eq '' )
print "$countprint* No torrent found for $fin!\n";
} else
# Make a guess as to what to do.
# Put the result in the symlink array.
my $symlink = '';
# Some search terms are for title, others for contents.
# Search the title first, it's faster.
my $searchstr;
foreach $searchstr ( keys( %titlesearch ))
# Here's how to loop through a hash and get each key and value. Whoop!
# print $searchstr," => ",$titlesearch{$searchstr},"\n";
if ( $fin =~ m/$searchstr/i || $found_torrent =~ m/$searchstr/i )
$symlink = $titlesearch{$searchstr};
# Haven't needed to go this far yet...
#if ( $symlink eq '' )
# # Next we'll search within the directory.
# foreach $searchstr ( keys( %dirsearch ))
# {
# }
if ( $symlink eq '' )
print "$countprint* Can't determine type for $fin!\n";
} else
my $resultcode = " ";
if ( $mode eq "test" )
$resultcode = "T";
} else
# Are we ready to move the torrent?
# Let's make sure the symlink is good, and the destination doesn't already exist...
# NOTE: stupid perl can't resolve home dirs [~] !?
# NOTE: $symlink may not be an actual symlink if it points to a dir UNDER a symlink. Use -e not -h.
my $symtest = "/home/user/download/torrents/archived/symlinks/$symlink";
if ( ! -e"$symtest" or -e"$symtest/$fin" )
$resultcode = "* Can't move:";
} else
# Now do the deed...
my $scriptresult = `$scriptdir/archive_finished_torrent "$found_torrent" "$fin" $symlink`;
# Man there are a lot of perlvars! See [http://perldoc.perl.org/search.html?q=perlvar].
# This one gives us the error code from the last backtick operation.
if ( $? )
print "\n\n$scriptresult\n\n";
$resultcode = "* Archive script failed:";
# Print the result.
print "$countprint$resultcode $fin | $found_torrent | $symlink\n";
$count += 1;