OpenShift is a PaaS (Platform aas) that lets you easily manage containers, using both Docker and Kubernetes.
Openshift-Origin is the open source upstream of OpenShift (like Fedora is to RHEL).
Redhat Atomic is the Enterprise release of Red Hat that is configured for containers. CentOS Atomic is the open source version. HOWEVER it seems that the base CentOS will work just fine. So let's skip this layer since it doesn't seem necessary.
So to get our open source PaaS, we install CentOS, then install Openshift-Origin on it. I think.
Quick Start (binary on existing VM/metal)
For a quick rampup, stand up a CentOS machine, and run a Red Hat Origin binary.
- Install prerequisites on your CentOS system:
yum install wget git net-tools bind-utils yum-utils iptables-services bridge-utils bash-completion kexec-tools sos psacct yum update systemctl reboot yum install atomic yum install docker [root@C68 openshift-origin-server-v3.9.0-191fece-linux-64bit]# docker-storage-setup create first /etc/sysconfig/docker-storage-setup Created storage configuration first # systemctl enable docker # systemctl start docker # systemctl is-active docker iptables -F
- Binary instructions
- Binary releases - get client and server
- Untar the client and initialize it:
cd ~/apps untar (client).tar.gz && cd (client) export PATH="$(pwd)":$PATH oc client up
- Untar the server and start it:
cd ~/apps untar (server).tar.gz && cd (server) export PATH="$(pwd)":$PATH sudo ./openshift start --create-certs=true
Quick Start (minishift on existing VirtualBox)
The next-easier way is to install a minishift cluster on VirtualBox. Minishift puts everything in one simplified package.
- Download the minishift command for your OS, put it in your path
- Ensure that VirutalBox is installed on that same OS
- Bootstrap it:
$ minishift start --vm-driver=virtualbox -- Checking if VirtualBox is installed ... OK -- Downloading OpenShift binary 'oc' version 'v3.7.1' -- Starting local OpenShift cluster using 'virtualbox' hypervisor ... -- Minishift VM will be configured with ... Memory: 2 GB vCPUs : 2 Disk size: 20 GB Downloading ISO '' Pulling image openshift/origin:v3.7.1 OpenShift server started. The server is accessible via web console at: You are logged in as: User: developer Password: <any value> To login as administrator: oc login -u system:admin