Let's sell some filters!
- Register to sell on Amazon.
- We looked into Fullfillment-by-Amazon but it looks like a $5-10 or more overhead per item.
- For less than 40 orders per month, an Individual account is available with a per-product-sold fee of $.99.
- For a ProMerchant account, it's $39.99/mo + 15% referral fee for Home and Garden products. Includes tools to manage inventory.
- They also have a WebStore option - $99.98/mo + 15% referral + 7% commission.
- They also have a Product Ads option - they list your product and the customer navigates to your site to buy.
- Check out Yahoo! store options.
- Merchant Starter Plan is $39.95/mo + 1.5% transaction fee. You have to transfer your domain to Yahoo! You have to market your website. Includes tools to manage inventory.