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// MDM 3/24/2008 1:34:51 PM
       PHP calorie counter

           biked           [  ] miles              300 calories/hour, 300 / ~15mi/hour =  20 calories/mile
           ran             [  ] miles              700 calories/hour, 700 / ~ 5mi/hour = 140 calories/mile
           swam            [  ] miles              400 calories/hour, 400 / ~ 2mi/hour = 200 calories/mile
           other           [  ] calories
           burned          default to 0
           ate             default (2500 total):
                           amt desc
                           [ 500] [med bkfast ] v (sm/med/lg bkfast/lunch/dinner/snack)
                           [ 750] [med lunch  ] v (sm/med/lg bkfast/lunch/dinner/snack)
                           [1000] [med dinner ] v (sm/med/lg bkfast/lunch/dinner/snack)
                           [ 250] [med snack  ] v (sm/med/lg bkfast/lunch/dinner/snack)
           net             ate - burned

           weight          default: interpolate

           metabolism      the amount of weight change relative to the net caloric intake per day
                           (weight change to date / avg net to date / days )       = lb/cal/day                
                           recalculate with changes in exercise routine
                               (this will change quickly as exercise routine changes)
           gain/loss       metabolism * net
           for the day

           monday 3/24
               biked 17mi
               odwalla bar             240
               french press             30
               1/2 whole foods wrap    750
               choc chip muffin        350
               handful choc. beans     100
               shroomin' (1 pc)        400
               weight 180

           tuesday 3/25
               big breakfast           500  cinn crunch bagel, bananna, latte
               weight 176

           1 lb = 3500 calories
               holy crap
               "the hacker's diet" says "you can't exercise off your food"
               direct calorie analysis backs this up.
                   your metabolism goes up
                   your appetite goes down
               so, yes, you can exercise off your food.  dumbass.
               oh, he says the same thing, in one paragraph.  Oops.
                   Regular exercise increases your rate of metabolism: the number of calories you burn all the time. 
                   Plus, for many people, exercise actually reduces appetite.