all f's of all users running app need constant location ping f's must be shared with phone# as key server must track users' flist server must constantly work on getting f updates
user starts up app user logs in to server and sends friendlist server adds user to userlist, merges friendlist into totalfriendlist (w/refcount?) server should do its best to get all friends' locations ** this is a separate task from communicating with user ** user pings server with location, gets f updates ping every 15 seconds? only send updates if they have not been received by user? (how to get best performance?) user shuts down app (or times out) user is logged out of server
server f location collector use external services to poll for location for all f that are not running app ping every 15 seconds? users that are running app are all sending locations, no need to collect them
include occasional push check: if f owns app if f is not running app if f is in meetup push request to f1
<iph> <tdm_rest> <tdm_pusher> <apl> <loc_server> ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
rest api
-- Examples --
- The best example I have to follow is the Twitter API. It *obviously* scales. It uses Basic Authentication, which sucks (everything is plaintext, holy shit). BETTER force it to use SSL.
- The other excellent example is the Amazon S3 API. Authentication is brilliant - it uses a SHA1 signature of the request, which MUST include a timestamp within the last 15 minutes. There is a set of rules for turning the request URL into the request string that is signed.
Signature = Base64( HMAC-SHA1( UTF-8-Encoding-Of( YourSecretAccessKeyID, StringToSign ) ) );
whereyouare.com/ myaccountid/ friendlist (GET) friendid/ location (GET,POST)