Add a user
- sudo adduser m # this will prompt you for everything
- sudo useradd -d /home/m -s /bin/bash -m m # this one-liner works well too
- sudo visudo # add a NOPASSWD entry for the user to the END of the file (or NOPASSWD won't stick)
- cd .ssh # and scp two files from bitpost (make sure they're rw only to user): id_rsa and authorized_keys
Gentoo server
su - useradd #newuser# -m -G wheel(,etc) # Other possibilities (likely not needed): ## only needed if you want them to have their own group (otherwise use "users" group) #groupadd #newuser# ## the additional groups here are optional #useradd #newuser# -m -g #newuser# -G users,wheel,audio,video,games,dvd,usb -s /bin/bash ## Only needed if you didn't use [-m] option #mkdir /home/#newuser# #chown #newuser#:users /home/#newuser# passwd #newuser# # grant ssh access by adding to "AllowUsers" em /etc/ssh/sshd_config /etc/init.d/sshd restart # grant samba access to home folder # it's already set up in /etc/samba/smb.conf # but the user must be manually added to samba # use same pwd as before to sync them smbpasswd -a #newuser# /etc/init.d/samba restart # YOU PROBABLY HAVE TO RESTART ANY STUPID WINDOWS BOX before it will see things correctly! crazy # you can try this in Windows but it didn't work for me: # net use # net session \\samba.server.ip.address /delete