Raspberry Pi Raspbian setup
Here are all (most?) of the steps to get a raspbian OS going on the Pi (very similar to unbuntu-on-PC).
- Get a Raspbian image from here
- Create a boot MicroSD following this
- Use gnome-disks to expand the root partition to 16GB, and create a nice ExFat share on the rest if there is more space
- Boot it up and fix the locale with
sudo locale-gen en_US en_US.UTF-8 sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales # USE THE SPACE TO SELECT US and unselect GB (fucked up keyboard) sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration # pick US or your keyboard is fubar # now you have to reboot - this is a disaster pi, fix it
- Default user is pi/raspberry, better change that...
sudo adduser m sudo passwd pi sudo su - # and use [passwd] to set a known root password
- One-shot install of everything, then see more detailed notes, below...
sudo apt-get install kdm i3 i3lock i3status suckless-tools dunst openssh-server cifs-utils smbclient synergy arandr exfat-fuse exfat-utils hfsprogs gparted p7zip-full k4dirstat screen rxvt-unicode grdesktop openvpn bridge-utils kdiff3 nautilus-compare smartmontools automake libtool npm git network-manager-gnome iceweasel
- You may need to reconfig to use KDM so you can pick i3 (although if you log out that might work too - To logout, press Mod+shift+e (like exit) ):
sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm
- One-shot dev install goes pretty well too:
sudo apt-get install scite sciteproj emacs build-essential automake libtool libssl-dev libbz2-dev python-dev curl libcurl4-openssl-dev php5-common php5-curl php5-cli php5-json php5-readline sqlite3 sqlitebrowser oracle-java8-jdk
- Install node with Node Version Manager (nvm) exactly the same way as in ubuntu (see above).
- Pull down and set up config, scripts like in Ubuntu.
- Pull down thedigitalage/rad-scripts, run [npm install]
- cd scripts/node/mah-hause, run [npm install], run [sy create] to create all dev repos.
There is no chromium-browser - use iceweasel (firefox on ARM) or epiphany-browser (which was enhanced specifically for pi).
My editors (Eclipse, sublime) are not really available, use scite instead.
Java [apt-get install oracle-java8-jdk] is available in the default raspbian apt repo.