Cross Compiling

From Bitpost wiki
Revision as of 19:57, 29 November 2016 by M (talk | contribs)


  • need cross compile toolchain
    • you need to find or build an entire toolchain environment; ubuntu has some, others have some, Crosstool-NG will build one from scratch
    • for autotools, you typically need to define tools like ar, gcc, g++ in the build script
    • for cmake, you typically need a toolchain file to specify details
  • need to cross compile any dependencies (static link what you can)
libz example
   echo Getting source code for libraries...
   if [ ! -d zlib ]; then
       untar zlib-${zlib_version}.tar.gz
       ln -s zlib-${zlib_version} zlib
   echo Building libraries...
   if [ "$rebuild_libs" = true ]; then
       export cross=arm-linux-gnueabi-
       # ZLIB
       cd zlib
       ./configure --prefix=${install_root}
       make CC="${cross}gcc" AR="${cross}ar r" RANLIB="${cross}ranlib"
       make install
       cd ..
openssl example
   echo Getting source code for libraries...
   if [ ! -d openssl ]; then
       untar openssl-${openssl_version}.tar.gz
       ln -s openssl-${openssl_version} openssl
   echo Building libraries...
   if [ "$rebuild_libs" = true ]; then
       export cross=arm-linux-gnueabi-
       # OPENSSL
       cd openssl
       ./Configure dist --prefix=${install_root} --openssldir=${install_root}
       make CC="${cross}gcc" AR="${cross}ar r" RANLIB="${cross}ranlib"
       make install
       cd ..
    • libwebsockets example
  • need to match the libraries on target machine for any dynamic linking requirements
  • need to match the build to the target kernel (or you might get "kernel too old")