I always update Wordpress when an update is available, straight in the admin panel with no backup.
Wordpress release quality has gone to shit in 2018-2019 and I've had to do the manual installation clobber, THIS SUCKS but whatever:
# FIRST DISABLE ALL PLUGINS yes this will FUCK YOU UP OTHERWISE 🌵 m@bitpost [~/development/bitpost.com/htdocs/news] wget https://wordpress.org/latest.zip 🌵 m@bitpost [~/development/bitpost.com/htdocs/news] rm latest.tar.gz 🌵 m@bitpost [~/development/bitpost.com/htdocs/news] sudo -u apache rm -rf wp-includes wp-admin 🌵 m@bitpost [~/development/bitpost.com/htdocs/news] sudo -u apache unzip latest.zip
My themes
Here i use a very jacked theme:
Custom widgets, fonts, etc:
To play with fonts:
- go to google fonts and find some cool ones
- adjust functions.php to load the new ones
- adjust style.css to use them; you should consider font family, size, and weight of at least these 4 things:
body #content h2 pre #sidebar ul
- restart apache!