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=== Containers ===
=== Containers ===

Find nirvana [ here.]
Find nirvana [ here.]

==== alpine ====
==== alpine ====

Revision as of 20:25, 18 January 2022

Thanks Keith for the intro!

Keith: Alpine is a stripped down linux distro. Need to learn about how to handle persistent volumes, container secrets (don't put in container, but it can prompt for things). Dockerfile -v (volume). Container should output to stdin/out, then host can manage logging. Terraform can build your arch (can use a proxmox template), ansible is great for actual tasks. GCP has managed kubernetes (wait until you understand why you need it). Check out hashicorp vault FOSS version for awesome secret storage that is docker-compatible.


  • show containers in a nice format (you can also add this as default, in ~/.docker/config.json):
docker ps -a --format 'table Template:.ID\tTemplate:.Status \tTemplate:.Names\tTemplate:.Command'
docker ps -a --format 'table Template:.ID\tTemplate:.Status \tTemplate:.Names\tTemplate:.Command' | grep #mycontainer#


Install docker

sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg lsb-release
echo   "deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg] \
   $(lsb_release -cs) stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null
sudo apt update && sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli
sudo docker run hello-world
sudo docker container ls -all # to see previous run-and-teardown
sudo usermod -aG docker m # to add m to docker group for complete access, no more need for [sudo docker]

Proxmox CPU config

Some images (like Meteor 5.0) require more-advanced CPU capabilities than Proxmox grants by default. Specifically, Mongo 5.0 requires AVX cpu instructions. To enable them:

Proxmox > VM > Edit > Processor > Type: "host"

Note that my Proxmox docker VM is called matryoshka.


Find nirvana here.


Alpine is the best TINY base linux container. But it runs BusyBox and musl so many things (nvm, meteor) won't work (at least without a TON of effort).

Here's a good starting point but remember meteor won't work:

FROM alpine/git
RUN apk --update add curl bash tar sudo npm 
SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-c"]

RUN adduser -g "$NEWUSER" -D -s /bin/bash $NEWUSER \
&& echo "$NEWUSER ALL=(ALL) ALL" > /etc/sudoers.d/$NEWUSER && chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/$NEWUSER

WORKDIR /home/m

COPY --chown=m my-code /home/m/my-code

RUN npm install -g whatevah

CMD [ "my_app", "param1" ]

Debian slim

Debian slim containers are much smaller than standard installs. They are stripped of things like documentation. A good choice for anything that needs a full linux kernel and C++ stack.

Node container

The official node container is HUGE (1GB), the alpine one is relatively tiny. See the list here.

docker pull node
docker image pull node:current-alpine3.11
# details:
docker image ls
docker run -it node
docker image ls

More examples

  • Example dockerfile for nextcloud
  • MDMDockerfile attempt one
m@matryoshka:~$ cat MDMDockerfile
FROM node:current-alpine3.11

RUN curl | sh
&& mkdir -p development
&& cd development
&& git clone es-platform
&& cd /home/m/development/es-platform
&& meteor npm install
&& cd /home/m/development/es-config/scripts/node/es
&& npm install -g

COPY /usr/local/bin/

CMD [ "es r" ]