
From Bitpost wiki
Revision as of 20:51, 16 November 2017 by M (talk | contribs)

fail2ban watches log files for misbehavior, and creates firewall rules, to stop things like brute force ssh attempts.

It takes a few commands to get going though, and I guess it doesn't run as a normal service?

 🌵 m@bitpost [~]sudo fail2ban-client add mdmjail 
Added jail mdmjail
 🌵 m@bitpost [~] sudo fail2ban-client start mdmjail
Jail started
 🌵 m@bitpost [~] sudo fail2ban-client set mdmjail addlogpath /var/log/messages
Current monitored log file(s):
`- /var/log/messages
 🌵 m@bitpost [~]sudo fail2ban-client status
|- Number of jail:	1
`- Jail list:	mdmjail