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== History ==
== History ==
=== Grow disk from 70GM to 100GB ===
So many containers... i grew the disk, using up almost ALL OF THE 1TB proxmox NME DRIVE!
I really really really need to upsize that bastard!!!  LIFE IS HARD!!
=== Moving data from old jaws rocketchat VM to matroyshka docker container ===
=== Moving data from old jaws rocketchat VM to matroyshka docker container ===

Revision as of 13:08, 22 January 2024

Matryoshka is a docker container host.

It also runs my only gitlab runner. So it is required to be running for gitlab jobs to run.

Jaws support

Jaws is a RocketChat set of containers (rocketchat+mongo). Some images like Mongo 5.0 require more-advanced CPU capabilities than Proxmox grants by default. Specifically, Mongo 5.0 requires AVX cpu instructions. To enable them:

Proxmox > VM > Edit > Processor > Type: "host"


Grow disk from 70GM to 100GB

So many containers... i grew the disk, using up almost ALL OF THE 1TB proxmox NME DRIVE!

I really really really need to upsize that bastard!!! LIFE IS HARD!!

Moving data from old jaws rocketchat VM to matroyshka docker container

I moved mongo data in from old jaws VM:

 🦈 m@jaws  [~] mongodump --host=localhost --db rocketchat
 🦈 m@jaws  [~] scp -rp dump matryoshka:
🪆  m@matryoshka  [~/apps/RocketChat] docker stop rocketchat-rocketchat-1
🪆  m@matryoshka  [~/apps/RocketChat] docker cp dump rocketchat-mongodb-1:/tmp/
🪆  m@matryoshka  [~/apps/RocketChat] docker exec rocketchat-mongodb-1 bash -c 'mongo rocketchat --eval "db.dropDatabase()"'
🪆  m@matryoshka  [~/apps/RocketChat] docker exec rocketchat-mongodb-1 bash -c 'mongorestore --db rocketchat /tmp/dump/rocketchat'
🪆  m@matryoshka  [~/apps/RocketChat] docker compose up -d

It has a bug! had to do this...

 🪆  m@matryoshka  [~/apps/RocketChat]
docker exec -it rocketchat-mongodb-1 'mongo'
use rocketchat
 "_id" : "Rate_Limiter_Limit_RegisterUser",
 "createdAt" : ISODate("2022-07-01T05:32:48.791Z"),
 "value" : 1,
 "packageValue" : 1,
 "valueSource" : "packageValue",
 "secret" : false,
 "enterprise" : false,
 "i18nDescription" : "Rate_Limiter_Limit_RegisterUser_Description",
 "autocomplete" : true,
 "sorter" : 0,
 "ts" : ISODate("2022-07-01T05:32:48.791Z"),
 "type" : "int",
 "group" : "Rate Limiter",
 "section" : "Feature_Limiting",
 "enableQuery" : "{\"_id\":\"API_Enable_Rate_Limiter\",\"value\":true}",
 "i18nLabel" : "Rate_Limiter_Limit_RegisterUser",
 "hidden" : false,
 "blocked" : false,
 "requiredOnWizard" : false,
 "env" : false,
 "public" : false,
 "_updatedAt" : ISODate("2022-07-01T05:38:12.246Z")

docker compose down
docker compose up -d