
From Bitpost wiki
Revision as of 18:34, 1 September 2017 by M (talk | contribs)

The linux terminal is your lifeblood. There are so many - TOO MANY - options. I'll gather a few of my favorite things here.

keyboard-driven copy-paste

HOW DID I LIVE SO LONG WITHOUT THIS! You can do keyboard-driven copy-paste from terminal buffer using screen!

  • Ctrl-A-esc to get into buffer navigation mode
  • space to mark the start of the copy buffer (non-column)
  • space to mark the end of the copy buffer
  • then you can use Ctrl-A-] to paste - wait, wut? useless... what about X buffer?
    • add this to "your screen .rc file" to send buffer to X clipboard too!
bindkey -m ' ' eval 'stuff \040' 'writebuf' 'exec sh -c "/usr/bin/pbcopy < /tmp/screen-exchange"'