Clone a melange VM
You can select any VM and clone it in VM.
For simpler VMs:
- provide a hostname and ID for the new VM during clone, and hit OK
- wait for proxmox to clone it (how do you monitor this, not sure yet...)
- start it and open a console
- the hostname will be old, fix it
sudo hostname mahhost sudo emacs -nw /etc/hostname
- get the MAC address
ip a
- add an entry to dnsmasq and restart the service
🌵 m@bitpost [~/config/etc/dnsmasq.d] emacs -nw /etc/dnsmasq.d/mdm_lan_dnsmasq.conf
- reboot the VM
- verify IP and ssh
- migrate ~/config
Config will be pointing to the config of the old box. Wow, for some reason, /etc/fstab is stowed and working. OK!
- create a new development/config/ubuntu/mahhost as a copy of the cloned one
- point ~/config to that
- run
There will be some things to fix, as explained by warnings. For example, removing existing ~/.bashrc symlink so it can be recreated. A bit scary, but go for it it's a fucking clone! MWAHAHAHA!
rm ~/.bashrc sudo rm /etc/fstab /etc/hostname $ m@ig1 [~] sudo mv /etc/systemd/journald.conf ~/backup $ m@ig1 [~] sudo mv /etc/systemd/networkd.conf ~/backup