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Show new changes starting from 08:29, 18 December 2024
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15 December 2024

     05:46  Dnsmasq‎‎ 3 changes history +2,176 [M‎ (3×)]
05:46 (cur | prev) −10 M talk contribs
05:45 (cur | prev) +505 M talk contribs
05:33 (cur | prev) +1,681 M talk contribs (→‎Configuration)
     05:24  TailScale diffhist +233 M talk contribs

11 December 2024

     13:28  WireGuard‎‎ 2 changes history +1,243 [M‎ (2×)]
13:28 (cur | prev) +1,024 M talk contribs
13:25 (cur | prev) +219 M talk contribs
N    13:22  TailScale diffhist +689 M talk contribs (Created page with "TailScale sits on top of WireGuard to make it more zero-conf. But it's provided as a free SaaS. So that is concerning that they will just monetize it some day. But let's try it. == Installation == Setup is dead simple. * Create an account * Start installing tailscale on each device It really is that simple. Unfortunately, it DID NOT CONNECT from the Cleveland Clinic to home. == Troubleshooting == It works by taking over DNS via /etc/resolv.conf. I've already care...")
     13:18  Software reference diffhist +16 M talk contribs