Maintenance reference

From Bitpost wiki
Revision as of 23:18, 26 May 2013 by M (talk | contribs)


Updating mediawiki
cd /var/www/localhost/htdocs/mediawiki
emacs LocalSettings_redirector.php (to hardcode each site)
php maintenance/update.php
(repeat for each site)
emacs LocalSettings_redirector.php (to reset dynamic behavior)
Creating a new ssh key pair for no-password access to a remote system
wow I just had serious issues with basic ssh usage, so i'll put a summary on the wiki
   basically most misunderstandings stem from describing these two:
       client: machine that is trying to ssh into the server
       server: machine that the client user wants to get to
   most poor sots are just sitting on the client
   and they create a pair and push their public key to the server
   but in my case, more often, i want to create a pair on the server
   and push the private key to the multiple places i need to connect FROM
   when doing that, you have to push the public key into the server's authorized_keys
   and configure the client to juggle multiple private keys

       create a key pair:
           ssh suser@server
               use defaults
               will create:
                   .ssh/id_rsa (private key)
                   .ssh/ (public key)

       put the public key in place:
           cd .ssh
           cat >>authorized_keys

       put the private key on the client and configure:
           scp id_rsa cuser@client:.ssh/id_rsa_server
           ssh cuser@client
           em .ssh/config
               Host tdm
                 IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
                 User m
               Host server
                 IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_server
                 User suser

   all is full of light
Back up a linux system to a second bootable drive
  1. We want to copy all files from the root drive to a new drive.
  2. We also want to update the boot menu to boot off the new drive.
  3. We also want to change /etc/fstab on the second drive to use the new root path.

These are the steps for backup of the dune box to the /spiceflow/2.0tb-newmovies/ drive. When we're done, we'll boot from that drive to prove we have a working standby system.

rsync does an excellent job of copying just what we need. Test it with this:

# a (archive mode -rlptgoD) v (verbose) x (don't cross filesystems) h (human-readable) n (dry run)
rsync -avxhn --progress / /spiceflow/2.0tb-newmovies/

Do the job with this:

rsync -avxh / /spiceflow/2.0tb-newmovies/

  sent 28.10G bytes  received 8.64M bytes  15.63M bytes/sec
  total size is 39.57G  speedup is 1.41

There was def some old stuff in there worth cleaning up:

xbmc log files

Next we fix /etc/fstab on the new drive to use the drive as root. Original config:

/dev/disk/by-label/d-g2-root        /                           ext3    noatime         0 1
/dev/disk/by-label/d-sp-20newmovies /spiceflow/2.0tb-newmovies  ext4    noatime         0 2

New config (remember tho, we lose the 2gb drive):

/dev/disk/by-label/d-g2-root        /root ext3    noatime         0 1
/dev/disk/by-label/d-sp-20newmovies /     ext4    noatime         0 2


Basic linux commands

Bash basics

Update gentoo kernel

Maintenance of my Gentoo boxes

Maintenance of my music collection

OS X basics

DOS basics

Update Boost

udev: Assign unique names to your devices

Automatically mount and unmount your devices

udev: Autorun programs when connecting your devices

Add ssh users to internet-facing boxes

Configure Eclipse

Configure Emacs

Configure MythTV

Basic MythTV plugin configuration