Automated torrent management in linux

From Bitpost wiki
Revision as of 14:48, 2 April 2009 by M (talk | contribs)

Downloading content using the bittorrent protocol will never be simple enough. There are just too many steps in the process. But there's no changing it, the world is full of torrents. They've hit critical mass and they're not going away any time soon. So we adapt. Roll up your sleeves!  :>

Here is a torrent management system for linux users that will give you...

  • automatic download of new .torrent files from RSS feeds
  • automatic download of torrent contents
  • automatic organization of content once it finishes downloading
  • continuous seeding of contents during this process
  • simple control of seeding of all previously downloaded content

The swiss army knife of tools we'll need:

If you're not scared yet, you're ready to go!

Grab RSS feeds

Set up rtorrent

Process finished torrents