From Bitpost wiki

Language and OS

Modern iOS mobile app development in mid-2022 is done in Swift 5.0 and macOS 15.



macOS Environment

An actual macOS development environment is required to build, test and publish an iPhone app. I set one up on the Matcha melange VM.

Development Environment

Primarily use XCode to do pretty much everything.

  • I created my app using Apple's sample app, which mocks up a simple UI.
  • I'm following a simple example to load JSON data from API.


Testing is done by pushing the app through App Store Connect to TestFlight users.

My testers:

  • My iphone 12 mini
  • Regina's big iphone
  • (Erik won't update his iOS)

Adding testers

  • It was fairly easy to add a user via my TestPlan UI on apple's website. I added Regina's email, and sent her an invite. From there, she got a code and could install TestPlan with the code to get A better Trader installed. Yay!
  • First time, I went through this awful process to get the phone UDID. I had to use a hacked up app on my iPhone. Erik got his number by plugging his phone into his macbook.