MythTV is really just a UI shell for all the multimedia tools that already existed in linux. The main problem I ran into was that there is no standardization of keyboard shortcuts across MythTV, xine, mplayer and the other tools MythTV uses. Here is my attempt to do so.
I will use MythTV's default keyboard settings, and try to configure xine to match as closely as possible. Unfortunately mplayer does not do DVD menus so I will avoid using it entirely. Here is a MythTV keyboard reference.
The Important Keys to change in Xine
Volume Up ] Volume Down [ Playback slower j Playback faster u DVD menu navigation ctrl-arrow keys
Changing the keys is simply a matter of editing [~/.xine/keymap]. Note that you can easily end up with keyboard conflicts if you're not careful. If there is a less-useful command getting in the way, you should set the key to VOID to "turn it off" until you can figure out which unused obscure key to use for it. One of the reasons I have to change so much in Xine is because I don't have a numeric keypad on my Belkin MediaPilot (which generally kicks a$$).