Metal: Development Notes

From Bitpost wiki

Random dev notes I want to remember...

  • W2UI has just about all the widgets and support we should need - AVOID JQUERY UI as that will get EXTREMELY MESSY to mix in!
  • Pull down javascript locally whenever possible - Make sure not to mix http and https or Firefox (etc?) will NOT load (so just pull locally!)
  • These visualizations are both beautiful and incredibly optimized; use with discretion FTW.
  • W2UI Toolbar uses font-awesome icons for now (will change according to author). Use icon: 'fa fa-#name#' according to this. List of icons

Details On Demand

The amazing D3 and CrossFilter javascript libraries are designed for dynamic analysis of "details on demand". You provide a decent-sized set of raw data (~5MB in the flights demo) and then the javascript tools let you manipulate it instantaneously to search for trends.

For Metal, our "details on demand" consist of the following per-day values:

  • value of metal types in Mexico
  • value of metal types in US
  • value of metal in transit