From Bitpost wiki

Set up OpenWRT on buffalo

   choices (3 is the only sensible!):
       1) hardcode all wan info and hope your network doesn't over-assign (this sucks)
       2) DCHP WAN, bridge lan so ports just become another switch
       3) DCHP WAN, serve up lan on different range than WAN
           this is AWESOME, you can immediately admin from anything that you hardwire up to the LAN ports
           set up a WAN static IP using WAN MAC if you can
           otherwise, to get WAN IP:
                   i can connect laptop to LAN port and get a 192.168.1 address on laptop from router DHCP
                   then i can connect PA LAN to router WAN port and get router IP from 
       * reset buffalo as needed!
           it always starts with LAN DHCP support for 192.168.1 range, yeah baby
           wire laptop into LAN port and browse to
       * set up to get WAN IP via DHCP; make note of it using LAN connection:
       * Allow ssh from WAN IPs to router
           openwrt admin page->Network->Firewall->Traffic rules->"open ports on router"
               name: allow-wan-ssh
               Protocol: TCP+UDP
               external port: 22 (i could make it non-standard...)
           then you can ssh to the WAN DHCP port, if you know it!  for now, it's: 
               ssh [email protected]
       * leave LAN support of 192.168.1 ON
           remember you can simply wire anything into LAN ports to get an address!
           and then you can browse to to admin the router
       now i can ssh to it from wallee (or anywhere on PA LAN)    
           ssh [email protected]  root/p*
       open https port too!  let's admin from wallee
       you have to open WAN port 443 in firewall config
       you also have to install support for this! 
           opkg update
           opkg install luci-ssl
           /etc/init.d/uhttpd restart
       but others have commented that this exposes your router and it WILL get hacked.  good point.
       skip for now