Torrent management: rtorrent seed hash script (rtorrent fast
This script is documented in the rtorrent wiki, here. Thanks Josef Drexler!!
Here's an archive that works for me:
#!/usr/bin/perl # Perl script to add rTorrent fast resume data to torrent files. # # Usage: # [base-directory] < plain.torrent > with_fast_resume.torrent use warnings; use strict; use Convert::Bencode qw(bencode bdecode); $/=undef; my $t = bdecode(scalar <STDIN>); my $d = $ARGV[0]; die "$d is not a directory\n" if $d and not -d $d; $d ||= "."; $d .= "/" unless $d =~ m#/$#; die "No info key.\n" unless ref $t eq "HASH" and exists $t->{info}; my $psize = $t->{info}{"piece length"} or die "No piece length key.\n"; my @files; my $tsize = 0; if (exists $t->{info}{files}) { print STDERR "Multi file torrent: $t->{info}{name}\n"; for (@{$t->{info}{files}}) { push @files, join "/", $t->{info}{name},@{$_->{path}}; $tsize += $_->{length}; } } else { print STDERR "Single file torrent: $t->{info}{name}\n"; @files = ($t->{info}{name}); $tsize = $t->{info}{length}; } my $chunks = int(($tsize + $psize - 1) / $psize); print STDERR "Total size: $tsize bytes; $chunks chunks; ", scalar @files, " files.\n"; die "Inconsistent piece information!\n" if $chunks*20 != length $t->{info}{pieces}; $t->{libtorrent_resume}{bitfield} = $chunks; for (0..$#files) { die "$d$files[$_] not found.\n" unless -e "$d$files[$_]"; my $mtime = (stat "$d$files[$_]")[9]; $t->{libtorrent_resume}{files}[$_] = { priority => 2, mtime => $mtime }; }; print bencode $t;