BOX: bitpost
Update gentoo kernel
My primary server at Peace Street
I had to stuff the goddamned drives right into the case since the rosewill was giving me such shit.
In hindsight, it might not have been the rosewill at all...
I am considering restuffing the box with the drives...
but for now, i have this:
sda root
sdb1 tvmind
sdc1 film
sdd & sde softraid
sdf1 spicey
sdg1 reservoir
sdh1 plethora
sdi1 win
Before it was like this:
BAYS of the Rosewill
To figure this stuff out, it was easiest to mount/umount drives and/or just access the mounted files
(and watch the bay lights, of course)
Disk layout:
8 7 6 5
4 3 2 1
1) spicey-3g-mel
2) reservoir-3g-mel
3) tvmind-4g-mel
4) newraid1-4tb-bp WD Black installed 2014-10-05
5) plethora-3tb-bp i hope this was not being used - 3GB Seagate barracuda - mount says some ntfs looking thing with no partitions and unable to mount - so i reformatted ext4
6) win-pax09 some old windows drive with lots of game goodies; also has sdf2 swap partition (kill it some day)
7) film-6tb-bp WD Green installed 2014-10-05
8) newraid2-4tb-bp WD Black installed 2014-10-05
Before THAT, it was this...
8 bay SATA tower houses these drives:
- 2.0tb archive (sdb right?)
- 250gb landofthelost circa ABB timeframe /dev/disk/by-label/LandOfTheLost /dev/sdc1
- 1.5tb raid drive #1 /dev/disk/by-label/d-sp-raid -> ../../sdd1
- 2.0tb latest /dev/disk/by-label/d-sp-20newmovies -> ../../sde1
- 1.5tb raid drive #2 (needs label change maybe)
There are also these drive partitions:
- / /dev/sda4
- ubuntu root ub_root -> ../../sda5
- /vista /dev/sda3
rtorrent keys
rtorrent CAN actually work pretty well, IF you pay attention to these basic keys:
- enter - specify a torrent file to load - USE TAB COMPLETION
- ctrl-d - STOP torrent, smack that shit, delete it forever
stty stop undef
stty start undef
- ctrl-o - change download dir
- ctrl-k - close files - needed before ctrl-o, usually
- ctrl-r - recheck hash
NOW GET rutorrent going! :-)
rtorrent fix torrents that didn't move into place properly
* if the torrent is archived properly, use move_and_resymlink to move it:
cd ~/download/torrents/archived/symlinks
move_and_resymlink [symlink] [destdir]
- if things are a mess due to hard drive failure (etc), you should do this:
- use r(u)torrent to see where rtorrent thinks the files are
- copy the files, if available, to the final destination (under a .* dir in symlinks)
- create a symlink: ln -s .music/Fresh/ELO-Secret\ Messages ELO-Secret\ Messages
- close the torrent files (ctrl-k), move the destination (ctrl-o), start again (ctrl-s)
Creating a new ssh key pair for no-password access to a remote system
Say you've got a new machine with user [m] and you want to connect to it, do this:
- install sshd, make sure it's running
- get on the new machine - ssh to the new machine by typing the password if you don't have direct access
- $ scp m@tdm:.ssh/id_rsa .ssh/
- $ scp m@tdm:.ssh/authorized_keys .ssh/
wow I just had serious issues with basic ssh usage, so i'll put a summary on the wiki
basically most misunderstandings stem from describing these two:
client: machine that is trying to ssh into the server
server: machine that the client user wants to get to
most poor sots are just sitting on the client
and they create a pair and push their public key to the server
but in my case, more often, i want to create a pair on the server
and push the private key to the multiple places i need to connect FROM
when doing that, you have to push the public key into the server's authorized_keys
and configure the client to juggle multiple private keys
create a key pair:
ssh suser@server
use defaults
will create:
.ssh/id_rsa (private key)
.ssh/ (public key)
put the public key in place:
cd .ssh
cat >>authorized_keys
put the private key on the client and configure:
scp id_rsa cuser@client:.ssh/id_rsa_server
ssh cuser@client
em .ssh/config
Host tdm
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
User m
Host server
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_server
User suser
all is full of light
bitpost LAN IP addresses
All IP address management happens on bitpost, via dnsmasq, which, rocks.
- Set up machine names in /etc/hosts
- Set up IP leases by MAC address in top of: /etc/dnsmasq.conf
Initially set up bitpost with DHCP as follows:
Turn DHCP-assigned IP into static as follows:
- /etc/init.d/net.eth0 restart
dhcpcd[3867]: eth0: carrier acquired
dhcpcd[3867]: DUID 00:01:00:01:1a:c3:6f:da:e0:3f:49:a3:4b:d9
dhcpcd[3867]: eth0: IAID 49:a3:4b:d9
dhcpcd[3867]: eth0: rebinding lease of
dhcpcd[3867]: eth0: leased for 86400 seconds
dhcpcd[3867]: eth0: adding route to
dhcpcd[3867]: eth0: adding default route via
routes_eth0="default via"
- /etc/init.d/net.eth0 restart
We will monitor and log success here to see how it goes.
- 2014/05/05 set to static, gateway
view dnsmasq IP leases
cat /var/lib/misc/dnsmasq.leases
BOX: viper
2016 ASUS Republic of Gaming laptop
- Adjust it so that palms do not interfere! Ideally, require start with finger in center, then use full pad
# configure trackpad of asus
su -
xinput --list
xinput disable 12 # to turn it off
# to dynamically test the settings...
BOX: melange
My primary dev box
90% ubuntu for development
10% gaming machine, has steam, low end half-height video card that works fine for Risk of Rain etc.
It has a mid-range video card, enough to drive 1080p x 2 for development.
This used to be the primary Kodi box up until 10/2015, should still be current.
It has the same high-end i5 or i7 of other 2015 boxes, fast.
- /dev/sda contains ubuntu, kodi, windows - using ubuntu 90% of the time
- /dev/sdb melange_data
used gparted to remove existing partitions
used gdisk to create an EFI partition table and an 8300 "linux file system"
mkfs.exfat /dev/sdb1
exfatlabel /dev/sdb1 melange-data
emacs /etc/fstab
/dev/disk/by-label/melange-data /melange_data exfat noatime 0 0
BOX: wallee
My 2009 MacbookPro 5.3 multi-boot laptop (see blog for multi-boot howto)
Install all hardware-specific packages in one shot:
sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer xserver-xorg-input-mtrack
Post-install MUST-DOs:
- broadcom "b43" wifi driver:
sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer
- synaptic driver (for trackpad)
sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-mtrack
# use synclient to determine what works best
su -
synclient -l # lists all params
synclient PalmDetect=1 # temporarily change settings
# save what you like, here:
root@wallee:~# emacs /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/60-synaptics.conf
Windows 10
- Upgraded existing Windows 8.1
- Hack the INF file of the nvidia driver to get it to install - runs PERFECTLY
- Add bluetooth stack - or not - i think i ended up back at the default Windows
- keyboard driver to get function key working: /spiceflow/softraid/software/OS/windows/macbook_windows10_drivers/AppleKeyboardInstaller64.exe
BOX: case
Fixing boot
Windows Updates tend to clobber the EFI boot setup.
THen you have to set BIOS to boot with "UEFI+Legacy", and put the UEFI "USB" drive first in front of the "Windows Boot Manager" one.
THen reboot, you should get grub.
Go into Ubuntu and reinstall refind.
Boot back into bios, and set back to UEFI boot. Leave the USB drive first. Reboot and yhou should get refind again. FU Bill.
Install Ubuntu
To originally install ubuntu, I had to add [... --- nomodeset] to the boot line in the grub booter.
Then I had to use a desktop 1080p monitor - the 4k Sony would not come up for some reason.
The Seiki is working fine now, go figure.
BOX: Raspberry Pi 2 and 4k
You can override settings in /flash/config.txt; here's how, from here:
mount -o remount,rw /flash
nano /flash/config.txt
# Make your changes, then ctrl+x to save.
mount -o remount,ro /flash
Settings for 4k (from here)...
hdmi_cvt 3840 2160 30
I couldn't get 4K to stick in OpenELEC tho (except for the splash screen(!))...
(it won't come up, just drops back to 1080p.. just as well, video at 30fps sucks...)
And to overclock the Pi 2 (from here):
# default is 700
# this will NOT void the warranty :-)
temp_limit=80 #Will throttle to default clock speed if hit.
# there is also the "turbo" thingee (that "voids warranty", hot!!)
BOX: tdm
My primary server that does just about everything internet-related
P8P67LE mobo Intel i5 quad core
names that are hosted:
BOX: dune
Follow the ubuntu install.
We also use a StarTech AC600 ac wifi adapter. The chipset is specified here. It's a Realtek - RTL8811AU. It is not supported with the vanilla 15.04 kernel, but it's easy to build a module from sources available on github:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic build-essential git
git clone
cd ~/rtl8812au
sudo make install
sudo modprobe 8812au
Then, run NetworkManager and nm-applet, and as soon as you plug the USB dongle in and remove the wired connection, you'll get a running wifi applet, YES.
We also want to drive the crappy Seiki at 4K. A 4k mode shows up in our X probe, but ubuntu is not picking it...... yet...
OLD gentoo NOTES
My XMBC media center and samba-based storage server
post-kernel tasks:
make sure you update /etc/conf.d/modules for any new modules added
module-rebuild populate
module-rebuild rebuild (if you feel brave)
module-rebuild list (if you want to do it manually)
# NOTE: NO MORE ATI-DRIVERS they no longer support my old-ass onboard HD 3000 graphics chip
# But the open-source radeon driver does, oh yeah!
emerge lirc # etc
emerge -a1 $(qlist -IC x11-drivers/)
# NO! eselect opengl set ati
# aticonfig --ovt opengl # "no supported adapters"?
eselect opengl set xorg-x11
BOX: wimpy
My main development workstation
P8P67LE mobo Intel i5 quad core
drives and partitions:
- sda HDD, OLD OSes, need to wipe and reformat to ntfs; sda2 ntfs 1.1TB old??
- sdb
- sdb1 fat32 300MB wimpy-efi
- sdb2 ntfs 147GB windows10???
- sdb3 fat32 287MB /boot/efi
- sdb4 linux-swap 7GB
- sdb5 ext4 wimpy-ubuntu-ssd 216GB
- sdb6 ext4 wimpy-gentoo-ssd 54GB
- sdb7 ext4 wimpy-openelec 19GB
- sdb9 fat32 "boot, esp"
check in windows:
wmic baseboard get product,Manufacturer,version,serialnumber
boot is in /ubuntu/boot
grub menu: /ubuntu/boot/grub/menu.lst
post-kernel tasks:
make sure you update /etc/conf.d/modules for any new modules added
module-rebuild populate
module-rebuild rebuild (if you feel brave)
module-rebuild list (if you want to do it manually)
emerge nvidia-drivers (etc)
eselect opengl set nvidia
if you break gentoo (or rather, if gentoo devs break gentoo, or open source hacks break gentoo, or whatever... but ultimately, you...)...
boot into ubuntu
su -
(chroot) ./setup_chroot
** FIX IT **
to install a new kernel that ubuntu will serve up...
build it in a chroot
back in ubuntu, copy it:
cp /mnt/gentoo/usr/src/linux/arch/x86_64/boot/bzImage /boot/linux-blahblbahba
and update grub. you can change em both or just the second (and rerun grub-mkconfig >/boot/grub/grub.cfg):
emacs /boot/grub/grub.cfg
emacs /etc/grub.d/09_gentoo