Torrent management: Grab RSS feeds
flexget will extract the torrent files provided in an RSS feed. It has lots of bells and whistles but isn't difficult to set up for simple extraction either.
First, download flexget. For this example, we'll put it in [~/scripts/flexget].
Then, make sure you've installed the packages that flexget requires: python and yaml. To install yaml on my fav distro, gentoo, add this to the bottom of [/etc/portage/package.keywords]...
# MDM For flexget rss .torrent broadcatcher... dev-python/pyyaml dev-libs/libyaml
Then emerge...
emerge -Davu dev-python/pyyaml dev-libs/libyaml
Now we want to configure flexget. Edit [flexget/config.yml] to do so. There are tons of ways to filter the RSS feed, but here I'll just provide a simple example to download all torrent files provided by the feed, and put them in our torrent directory for immediate download...
feeds: myfeed: rss: download: ~/download/torrents/
That's all we need!