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Revision as of 19:19, 24 January 2011 by M (talk | contribs)


CXFS EditVolumeInode.jpg
When one of my previous employers Utenzi went bankrupt, CXFS, the Linux distributed filesystem we were working on, was open-sourced. A lot of my reusable C++ class library is available, along with the Windows MMC toolsets that I wrote. One bit I've found especially useful over the years is my C++ sorted_vector class.
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The Boxcar Kid
The website for my dad's historic novel, The Boxcar Kid. It includes a blog that he posts to regularly, don't miss it.
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Richard Dobbs
The website for my friend and artist Richard Dobbs. It has some nice javascript effects and showcases a lot of his great art, check it out.
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Terminus Est
This sweet scroller game was written by my friend John Carpenter; it works on linux and Windows via SDL. Here are my notes on getting it to compile for linux.
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Forms for Portals
This project is a simple collection of forms to help you quickly access google, dictionary, wikipedia, imdb, maps, yellow pages, etc. from your own web pages.


Reprioritization available, contact me for details.


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HangTheDJ and ShareTheDJ
This music player has been my flagship side project for years. The design became less relevant for my needs as bandwidth improvements put streaming music from a central repository within reach. For that, see my The Digital Age project. But there's LOTS of good code to harvest from this baby.
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GoogleResultsWalker Firefox addon
This Firefox addon used to provide a result page frame next to the results, so you can quickly flip through the results without repetitively browsing forward and back. It no longer works, and google is providing inline results previews now, so it probably won't be updated.
C++ sorted_vector STL extension This is a pretty useful extension to the STL std::vector class, adding lean and mean sorting support.
Putty parameter patch
Wordpress extensions
WTCW beta
Automated torrent management in linux
Forms for Portals
IntenseDebate add-ons
Terminus Est
GRW static-width release
UA retention scraper

In Progress

The Digital Age

To Do

Consert gateway
UA NZB search-and-parse
GRW dynamic-width release
WhereYouAre web service
iPhone app1 map
iPhone app1 opengl
iPhone app1 push
iPhone app1 release
STDJ webservice
MythMusic extended
HTDJ portable
Imagescrape small.png
The Philanthropy Engine
GDM eCommerce
Geothermal Steam
The Personal Airship
Database tools