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Design, programming and version control.
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! Patterns
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! [[Major Objects]]
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! [[Quick-http]]
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! [[Continuous Integration]]
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! [ Architecture of major open source apps]
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! [[Security]]
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! [[Model View Controller]]
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! nosql enhances, not replaces, SQL
| Not all data should be denormalized, and not all data should be normalized.  The optimal mix considers the extent of the data. 
* Precise schemas are good when not overdone
* When a container has an array with a large number of elements, it should be normalized
* Sparse data and heterogeneous data are the best candidates for denormalization
Postgres with JSON allows an elegant combination of nosql and SQL.
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! Web design mantra
## respect the input device
## detect it and use a reasonable default guess
## allow manual override
## [mouse/pen]...[finger]
##  sm-md-lg  ...  sm-md-lg
## high-res = SHOW LOTS OF DETAIL
## responsive, zoomable
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! git central shared repository
| Use bare repos for any central shared repositories.  Use the [####.git] suffix on bare repo names.
Bare repositories are designed to be shared.  Maintenance on the central server is easier because you don't have local files to manage permissions or constant flux.  Plus, you can always have a second repo on the central server where you check out a specific branch (e.g. to serve up with apache).  If you want a dynamically updated central repo, clone the ###.git repo to ###, and add a post-receive hook (see bitpost quick-http.git for a good example).
To configure the repo as shared:
git config core.sharedRepository true
To set it on a new git repo during initial setup, make sure devs are in the same group, and use:
git init --shared=group
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! Occam's razor
| Among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected.
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! c++11 Model View Controller skeleton
! C++
  #include "HTDJInterface.h"
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#include "HTDJLocalModel.h"
! Deleting multiple elements in a collection
#include "HTDJRemoteModel.h"
* For sequences (vector, list...), best practice is to use the [ erase-remove] STL pattern
* For associative containers (set, map...): just recurse and remove iterators, they won't muck up the sequence. [ example]
See MemoryModel::saveDirtyObjectsAsNeeded() for example code.
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! c++ Create a portable C/C++ project
| Use QtCreator + CMake, both available everywhere!
    set up:
        create a Qt project as: New Project-> Non-Qt/Plain C Project (CMake Build)
            pick the PARENT and use the name of the existing folder
            set up a build folder in the existing folder, called (base)/qtcreator-release-build
            it creates CMakeLists.txt (THIS IS BASICALLY THE PROJECT FILE!)
            also creates main.c or something
            build it!  make sure it works
            NOW we can edit CMakeLists.txt - change . to ./src to get it to scan the src folder for code!
            and easily add "known" libs!  this was all i needed:
                TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(${PROJECT_NAME} pthread websockets)
            make sure it builds
            now we want a DEBUG build as well!
            Projects->Build&Run->pick Build in weird Build/Run pillbox->Edit build configs:
                Rename: release
                CMake build dir: Make sure build dir is set to release ie qtcreator-debug-build
                Add: Clone: release, name: debug
                    for debug, add a custom build step BEFORE make step:
                        command: /usr/bin/cmake
                        args: -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug .
                        working dir: %{buildDir}
                        (add it, and move it up above make)
                        (build em both)
            Projects->Build&Run->pick Run in weird Build/Run pillbox
                Run Configuration: rename to "{...} release"
                clone it into "{...} debug"
                change working dir to match Build path
                change any needed params
    Now you should have build+run debug+release configurations, selectable in the weird project icon in bottom of left-side toolbar ("mode selector")
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! c++ in-memory storage of "major" objects
    Consider An Important Qt Design: QObjects cannot normally be copied
        their copy constructors and assignment operators are private
        why?  A Qt Object...
            might have a unique QObject::objectName(). If we copy a Qt Object, what name should we give the copy?
            has a location in an object hierarchy. If we copy a Qt Object, where should the copy be located?
            can be connected to other Qt Objects to emit signals to them or to receive signals emitted by them. If we copy a Qt Object, how should we transfer these connections to the copy?
            can have new properties added to it at runtime that are not declared in the C++ class. If we copy a Qt Object, should the copy include the properties that were added to the original?
    in other words, a QObject is a pretty serious object that has the ability to be tied to other objects and resources in ways that make copying dangerous
    isn't this true of all serious objects?  pretty much
    if you have a vector of objects, you often want to track them individually outside the vector
    if you use a vector of pointers, you can move the object around much more cheaply, and not worry about costly large vector reallocations
    a vector of objects (not pointers) only makes sense if the number of objects is initially known and does not change over time
class HTDJController
    STL vectors can store your pointers, iterate thru them, etc.
    for a vector of any substantial size, you want to keep objects sorted so you can find them quickly
        HTDJLocalModel& local,
    that's what my sorted_vector class is for; it simply bolts vector together with sort calls and a b_sorted status
        HTDJRemoteModel& remote,
    following STL practices, to get sorting, you have to provide operator< for whatever is in your vector
        HTDJInterface& hinterface
    BUT... you are not allowed to do operator<(const MyObjectPtr* right) because it would require a reference to a pointer which is not allowed
    BUT... you can provide a FUNCTOR to do the job, then provide it when sorting/searching
    a functor is basically a structure with a bool operator()(const MyObjectPtr* left, const MyObjectPtr* right)
    unordered_set works even better when combining frequent CRUD with frequent lookups
    Dealing with tons of objects is par for the course in any significant app.
    Finding a needle in the haystack of those objects is also standard fare.
    Having multiple indices into those objects is also essential.
    Using unordered_set with object pointers and is very powerful.
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! c++ stl reverse iterator skeleton
| VIEW header
| From [ SGI]...
  class HTDJController;
  reverse_iterator rfirst(V.end());
  class HTDJInterface
  reverse_iterator rlast(V.begin());
while (rfirst != rlast)
    HTDJInterface( HTDJController* p_controller)
    cout << *rfirst << endl;
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! c++ stl reading a binary file into a string
| MODEL header
class HTDJLocalModel;
    std::ifstream in("",std::ios::binary);
class HTDJController;          // For access to log functions
    if (!in)
  // Note that we want GLOBAL ACCESS to a GENERIC local model.
      std::cout << "problem with file open" << std::endl;
extern HTDJLocalModel* g_p_local;
      return 0;
class HTDJLocalModel
    HTDJLocalModel(HTDJController* p_controller);
    unsigned long length = in.tellg();
    string str(length,0);
        std::istreambuf_iterator< char >(in) ,
        std::istreambuf_iterator< char >() ,
For more, see [[Reading a binary file|c++ stl reading a binary file]]
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! C/C++ best-in-class tool selection
| I need to have easy setup of debug-level tool support for portable C++11 code. And I need to decide and stick to it to be efficient.
* '''Compiler selection'''
** linux and mac: gcc
** windows: Visual Studio
* '''IDE selection'''
** linux and mac: Qt Creator
** windows: Qt Creator (OR Visual Studio OR eclipse?)
* '''Debugger selection'''
** linux and mac: Qt Creator
** windows: Qt Creator (OR Visual Studio OR eclipse?)

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! c++11
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! c++11 include base constructor (etc) in derived class
| The awesome C++11 way to steal the constructor from the base class, oh man I've been waiting for this one...
  class HttpsServer : public Server<HTTPS>
    HttpsServer(unsigned short port, size_t num_threads, const std::string& cert_file, const std::string& private_key_file)
        // Call base class
        Server<HTTPS>::Server(port, num_threads, cert_file, private_key_file)
    using Server<HTTPS>::Server;
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! c++11 containers
! c++11 containers
| sorted_vector || use when doing lots of unsorted insertions and maintaining constant sort would be expensive; NOTHING beats vector for that
| sorted_vector || use when doing lots of unsorted insertions and maintaining constant sort would be expensive; vector is good for a big pile of things that only occasionally needs a sorted lookup
| map || sorted binary search tree; always sorted by key; you can walk through in sorted order (choose unordered if not needed!)
| map || sorted binary search tree; always sorted by key; you can walk through in sorted order (choose unordered if not needed!)
| multimap || same as map but allows dupe keys (not common)
| multimap || same as map but allows dupe keys (not as common)
| unordered_map || hashmap; always sorted by key; additional bucket required for hash collisions; no defined order when walking through
| unordered_map || hashmap; always sorted by key; additional bucket required for hash collisions; no defined order when walking through
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You can use mutable on the variables that are not part of the key to remove the const.<br />
You can use mutable on the variables that are not part of the key to remove the const.<br />
This changes the constness of the object from binary (completely const) to logical (constness is defined by the developer).<br />
This changes the constness of the object from binary (completely const) to logical (constness is defined by the developer).<br />
So... set is an excellent way to achieve both encapsulation and logical const - make const work for you, not against!  :-)<br />
So... set is a good way to achieve both encapsulation and logical const - make const work for you, not against!  :-)<br />
An even better approach: use pointers<br />
| set (etc.) of pointers || sets of pointers are the pinnacle of object stores<br />
The entire object can be dereferenced and accessed then without const issues.<br />
The entire object can be dereferenced and accessed then without const issues.<br />
A pointer functor can be provided that does a sort by dereferencing the pointer to the object.<br />
Two requirements: you must make sure yourself that you do not change the key values - you can mark them const, provided in constructor;<br />
Two requirements: you must make sure yourself that you do not change the key values - you can mark them const, provided in constructor;<br />
you must create sort/equal/hash functors that dereference the pointers to use object contents<br />
you must create sort/equal/hash functors that dereference the pointers to use object contents<br />
Line 56: Line 271:
to reference the same group of objects with different sort funtors to create multiple indices.<br />
to reference the same group of objects with different sort funtors to create multiple indices.<br />
You just have to manage the keys carefully, so that they don't change (which would invalidate the sorting).<br />
You just have to manage the keys carefully, so that they don't change (which would invalidate the sorting).<br />
TODO: develop a sort-on-demand unordered set of pointers that allow changing the key, with b_sort_ tracking for when key changes or new items added?
The primary container can manage object allocation; using a heap-based unique_ptr allocation<br />
    map vs key redux
        use a key in the set, derive a class from it with the contents
            + small key
            + encapsulation
            - requires mutable to solve the const problem
        use a key in the set, key includes a mutable object
            + encapsulation
            - weird bc everything uses a const object but we have const functions like save() that change the mutable subobject
        use a map
            + small key
            - no encapsulation, have to deal with a pair instead of an object
                can we just put a ref to key in the value?  sure why not - err, bc we don't have access to it
            + solves const problem bc value is totally mutable by design
            + we can have multiple keys - and the value can have multiple refs to them
            + simpler equal and hash functions
            create an object with internal key(s)
            create map index(es) with duplicate key values outside the object - dupe data is the downside
        use set(s) with one static key for find():
            create an object with internal key(s)
            create set index(es) with specific hash/equals functor(s)
            when finding, use one static key object (even across indexes!) so there isn't a big construction each time; just set the necessary key values
                that proves difficult when dealing with member vars that are references
                but to solve it, just set up a structure of dummy static key objects that use each other; then provide a function to setKey(Object& keyref) { keyref_ = keyref; }
                nope, can't reassign refs
                the solution: use pointers not references
                yes that's right
                just do it
                apparently there was a reason i was anti-reference for all those years
                two reasons to use pointers:
                    dynamically allocated
                    reassignment required
                there ya go.  simple.  get it done.
            when accessing find results from the set, use a const_cast on the object!
            WARNING: a separate base class with the key sounds good... but fails when you have more than one index on the object.  just use a static key object for them all!

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I thought I had always looped backwards to do this, I *think* that's ok too, but I don't see it used in my code, I think I'll avoid.  :-)
I thought I had always looped backwards to do this, I *think* that's ok too, but I don't see it used in my code, I think I'll avoid.  :-)
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! c++11 range based for loop, jacked with boost index if needed
| No iterator usage at all.  Nice at times, not enough at others.  Make SURE to always use a reference or you will be working on a COPY.  Make it const if you aren't changing the object.
for (auto& mc : my_container)
for (const auto& cmc : my_container)
    cout << cmc.asString();
boost index can give you the index if you need it, sweet:
#include <boost/range/adaptor/indexed.hpp>
for (const auto &element: boost::adaptors::index(mah_container))
    cout << element.value() << element.index();

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! c++ in-memory storage of "major" objects
! C++11 scoped enumeration
| C++11 has scoped enumeration, which lets you specify the SPECIFIC VARIABLE TYPE for the enum.  Perfect, let's use uint_fast32_t.
enum class STRING_PREF_INDEX int_fast32_t: { ... };
Unfortunately, gcc gives me a scary warning, and stuff fails.  For some reason, it does not know about the provided type, although it is definitely defined.  Revisit this later if you have time.
warning: elaborated-type-specifier for a scoped enum must not use the ‘class’ keyword
Old skool is still cool:
typedef enum
    // assert( SP_COUNT == 2 );
    SP_FIRST = 0                ,
    SP_ANOTHA                  ,
    Consider An Important Qt Design: QObjects cannot normally be copied
        their copy constructors and assignment operators are private
        why? A Qt Object...
            might have a unique QObject::objectName(). If we copy a Qt Object, what name should we give the copy?
            has a location in an object hierarchy. If we copy a Qt Object, where should the copy be located?
            can be connected to other Qt Objects to emit signals to them or to receive signals emitted by them. If we copy a Qt Object, how should we transfer these connections to the copy?
            can have new properties added to it at runtime that are not declared in the C++ class. If we copy a Qt Object, should the copy include the properties that were added to the original?
    in other words, a QObject is a pretty serious object that has the ability to be tied to other objects and resources in ways that make copying dangerous
    isn't this true of all serious objects?  pretty much

    if you have a vector of objects, you often want to track them individually outside the vector
    if you use a vector of pointers, you can move the object around much more cheaply, and not worry about costly large vector reallocations
    a vector of objects (not pointers) only makes sense if the number of objects is initially known and does not change over time

    STL vectors can store your pointers, iterate thru them, etc.
    for a vector of any substantial size, you want to keep objects sorted so you can find them quickly
    that's what my sorted_vector class is for; it simply bolts vector together with sort calls and a b_sorted status
    following STL practices, to get sorting, you have to provide operator< for whatever is in your vector
    BUT... you are not allowed to do operator<(const MyObjectPtr* right) because it would require a reference to a pointer which is not allowed
    BUT... you can provide a FUNCTOR to do the job, then provide it when sorting/searching
    a functor is basically a structure with a bool operator()(const MyObjectPtr* left, const MyObjectPtr* right)

    unordered_set works even better when combining frequent CRUD with frequent lookups

     Dealing with tons of objects is par for the course in any significant app.
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     Finding a needle in the haystack of those objects is also standard fare.
! boost
     Having multiple indices into those objects is also essential.
    Using unordered_set with object pointers and is very powerful.
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! boost release and debug build for linux
    # download latest boost, eg: boost_1_59_0
    m@wallee:~/development$ 7z x boost_1_59_0.7z
    rm boost && ln -s boost_1_59 boost
    cd boost
     # IMPORTANT: then patch .bashrc as instructed
     #    cmake-###/ and cmake-###/ are customized to match
    #    (and older eclipse and server/nix/
To upgrade a CMake project:
    cd cmake-###/
To upgrade an older autotools project:
    cd nix
    make distclean  # removes nasty .deps folders that link to old boost if you let them
    make clean      # removes .o files etc
    cd ../build-Release && make distclean && make clean
    cd ../build-Debug && make distclean && make clean
    cd ..
    ./bootstrap force release
    ./bootstrap force debug
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! boost release and debug build for Windows
| Open a VS2015 x64 Native Tools Command Prompt. 
EITHER: for new installs, you have to run bootstrap.bat first, it will build b2;
OR: for reruns, remove boost dirs: [bin.v2, stage].
Then build 64-bit:
cd "....\boost_1_59_0"
b2 toolset=msvc variant=release,debug link=static address-model=64
rem trying to avoid excessive options, assuming I don't need these: threading=multi
(old stuff)
      --toolset=msvc-14.0 address-model=64 --build-type=complete --stagedir=windows_lib\x64 stage
      Now open VS2013 x86 Native Tools Command Prompt and build 32-bit:
      cd "C:\Michael's Data\development\sixth_column\boost_1_55_0"
      bjam --toolset=msvc-12.0 address-model=32 --build-type=complete --stagedir=windows_lib\x86 stage
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! boost regex (very similar to c++11, with LESS BUGS and MORE POWER)
| boost regex does everything you could need, take your time to get it right
* regex_search will work hard to find substrings, while regex_match requires your regex to match entire input
* smatch is a great way to get back a bunch of iterators to the results
    virtual bool url_upgrade_any_old_semver(string& url)
      // Perform a regex to update the embedded version if needed.
      // We have to see if (1) we have a semver and (2) it is not the current semver.
      // Only then do we take action.
      boost::regex regex("/([v0-9.]+?)/(.*)");
      boost::smatch sm_res;
      if (boost::regex_match(url,sm_res,regex,boost::match_default))
        string incoming_semver(sm_res[1].first,sm_res[1].second);
        if (incoming_semver != semanticVersion())
          url = string("/")+semanticVersion()+"/"+string(sm_res[2].first,sm_res[2].second);
          return true;
      return false;
      original string:    string(sm_res[0].first,sm_res[0].second);
      first group:        string(sm_res[1].first,sm_res[1].second);
      second group:      string(sm_res[2].first,sm_res[2].second);

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{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable"
! c++ stl reverse iterator skeleton
! C++ libraries
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! String escape formatting across different languages and systems
| From [ SGI]...
reverse_iterator rfirst(V.end());
* c++ to JSON: always use nlohmann::json j.dump() to encode, to ensure strings are properly escaped
reverse_iterator rlast(V.begin());
* JSON to c++: always use nlohmann::json j.parse() "
* c++ to Javascript: use raw_to_Javascript() to properly escape
while (rfirst != rlast)
* c++ to sqlite: use SqliteLocalModel::safestr(), which uses double_doublequotes(str)
    cout << *rfirst << endl;
[[Robot Operating System]]
[[C++ https libraries]]
[[Configure Qt development on Windows + Mac + linux]]
[[Build the TagLib library with Visual Studio 2013]]

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! C/C++ building/linking
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! c++ stl reading a binary file into a string
! gcc makefile pain
    std::ifstream in("",std::ios::binary);
* I went through a LOT of pain to determine that gcc requires libraries to be listed AFTER the source and output parameters
    if (!in)
* set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point to your libs if they are not in system location
* Make sure Makefile uses TABS NOT SPACES.  it's a FACT OF LIFE.  hate it if you want.  plenty more things to hate about linux/C as well.
      std::cout << "problem with file open" << std::endl;
      return 0;
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! gcc install multiple versions in ubuntu (4 and 5 in wily, eg)
    unsigned long length = in.tellg();
| My code will not compile with gcc 5, the version provided with Ubuntu wily.
It gives warnings like this:
/home/m/development/boost_1_59_0/boost/smart_ptr/shared_ptr.hpp:547:34: warning: ‘template<class> class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
    string str(length,0);
and outright errors like this:
depbase=`echo AtServer.o | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.o$||'`;\
        std::istreambuf_iterator< char >(in) ,
g++ -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"at_server\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"at_server\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"at_server\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"[email protected]\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"at_server\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I../../src  -I/home/m/development/Reusable/c++ -I/home/m/development/Reusable/c++/sqlite -std=c++11 -I/home/m/development/boost_1_59_0  -ggdb3 -O0 -std=c++11 -MT AtServer.o -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o AtServer.o ../../src/AtServer.cpp &&\
        std::istreambuf_iterator< char >() ,
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Po
In file included from /usr/include/c++/5/bits/stl_algo.h:60:0,
                from /usr/include/c++/5/algorithm:62,
                from /usr/include/c++/5/ext/slist:47,
                from /home/m/development/boost_1_59_0/boost/algorithm/string/std/slist_traits.hpp:16,
                from /home/m/development/boost_1_59_0/boost/algorithm/string/std_containers_traits.hpp:23,
                from /home/m/development/boost_1_59_0/boost/algorithm/string.hpp:18,
                from /home/m/development/Reusable/c++/utilities.hpp:4,
                from ../../src/MemoryModel.hpp:11,
                from ../../src/SqliteLocalModel.hpp:13,
                from ../../src/AtServer.cpp:70:
/usr/include/c++/5/bits/algorithmfwd.h:573:13: error: initializer provided for function
/usr/include/c++/5/bits/algorithmfwd.h:582:13: error: initializer provided for function
    noexcept(noexcept(swap(*__a, *__b)))
You can set up the update-alternatives tool to switch out the symlinks:
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-4.9 60 --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-4.9
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-5 20 --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-5
BUT that seems BAD to me to switch out the compiler used by the SYSTEM.  Instead, we should specify the compiler required by the PROJECT.  This is supposed to do it, but it still uses /usr/include/c++/5, which seems wrong, and gives me errors:

For more, see [[Reading a binary file|c++ stl reading a binary file]]
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! [[git]]

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! Debugging
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable"
! Chrome capture large JSON variable
| This is just pointlessly bizarre:
* hit a breakpoint in the chrome debugger
* right-click a variable and say "copy to global variable" (console will show name, typically "temp1")
* push the variable to the clipboard by typing this in the console:
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable"
! Visual Studio Code capture large string variable
| While debugging, you can use the Debug Console to print memory, including the content of strings that are clipped by default in the variables and watch windows.
View > Open View > Debug Console
From there, send gdb a command to print memory – 300 characters of a string in this example:
-exec x/300sb Query.c_str()
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable"
! Qt Creator conditional breakpoint
| To break on line number with string condition:
* Set the breakpoint on the line as usual: F9 or click in left border
* In the breakpoints list, rclick Edit
* Add a condition; to break on a string value, THIS WORKS:
          ((int)strcmp(strSymbol.c_str(), "GMO")) == 0
* BUT THERE IS A PRICE TO PAY.  qt/gcc won't continue properly, unless you sset ANOTHER common breakpoint, hit it, and resume from that.  It appears gcc continues (we hit the breakpoint after all), but qt does no logging or debugging, bah
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! Qt Creator and linux debug libraries
* I was able to build lws in debug, install in /usr/local, then I could step right into its code
m@case:~/development/causam/git/np/nop-bigress-client-c$ ./build_lws_debug
  Install the project...
  -- Install configuration: "DEBUG"
  -- Installing: /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/libwebsockets.pc
  -- Installing: /usr/local/lib/libwebsockets.a
  -- Up-to-date: /usr/local/include/libwebsockets.h
* Signals: At some point I needed to force gdb to pass SIGINT, SIGPIPE... signals to the app instead of gdb, after ssl kept causing Qt to pop a message and break in the debugger.  To do so:
        Qt Creator->Options->Debugger->
            [ ] Show a message box when receiving a signal
            Debugger Helper Customization: handle SIGPIPE pass nostop noprint
* You should be able to install debug builds of libraries into /usr/local (as mentioned above).  Older notes if you can't get that going:  To debug into an included library that is not installed system-wide:
use Tools->Options->General->Source Paths Map
  source: /home/m/development/causam/git/nop-bigress-client-c/cmake-debug
  target: /home/m/development/causam/git/libwebsockets-master/lib
    at first i thought this would work: /usr/local/lib
    but i did a static build so i needed teh actual exe!  COOL
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! QT Creator valgrind EASY
| Valgrind is easy to use.  Just find debugger pane top-left dropdown, switch mode from Debugger to Memcheck, and restart debugger.
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! c/c++ gdb debugging
! c/c++ gdb debugging
Line 295: Line 748:
| ddd gives you a front end.  I need to use it more, compare to other options
| ddd gives you a front end.  I need to use it more, compare to other options
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! C
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable"
! Library handling in linux
| gcc library basics (good to know for autotools and CMake too)
* The gcc -l command line option specifies a specific library NAME.  It will add the rest to give you (eg) lib[NAME].a
* Specify the library search path with the -L option.  Things that you as a user install seem to default to /usr/local/lib
* This will link myprogram with the static library libfoo.a in the folder /home/me/foo/lib.
        gcc -o myprogram -lfoo -L/home/me/foo/lib myprogram.c
Tools to check library dependencies:
* ldd [executable]
* objdump -p /path/to/program | grep NEEDED
* objdump -x []
* readelf -d [exe]
* sudo pldd <PID>
* sudo pmap <PID>
[[Cross Compiling]]

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! [[Javascript]]
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! [[Node.js]]
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! [[React]]
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! [[Vite]]
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! [[JSON]]
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! [[HTML]]
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! [[CSS]]
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! c++ Create a portable C++ project in Visual Studio
It's probably best to create a project_name.cpp file with your main() function.
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable"
int main( int argc, char * argv[] )
! Count records within a range
    return 0;
| This groups records into ranges, sorts by them, and gives a count, sweet:
    select count(*), id/1000000 as groupid from AccountHistory group by groupid;
Then in Visual Studio...
File->New->Project from existing code
[[postgres]] - [[sqlite]] - [[mysql]] - [[SQL Server]] - [[Robo 3T]] - [[DBeaver]] - [[pgadmin4]]
(then use mostly defaults on this page, once you provide file location and project name)
Project file location:  <base>\project_name
Project name: project_name
[x] Add files from these folders
    Add subs 
    [x]       <base>\project_name
Use Visual Studio
{| class="wikitable"
  Console application project
! [[Meteor]]
Then add boost include and lib paths, required preprocessor definitions, etc.
Example (if you built 1.53 in place with Visual Studio):
INCLUDE: C:\Software Development\boost_1_53_0
LIB: C:\Software Development\boost_1_53_0\stage\lib
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! [[Android]]
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! [[Arduino]]
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! [[Raspberry Pi]]
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! [[iOS]]
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! [[.NET Core]]
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! [[Java]]
{| class="wikitable"
! [[Kotlin]]
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! [[Maven]]
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! [[Scala]]
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! [[Python]]
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! [[Go]]

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! boost build for both 32 and 64 bit Windows
| Open a VS2013 x64 Native Tools Command Prompt. 
EITHER: for new installs, you have to run bootstrap.bat first, it will build bjam;
OR: for reruns, remove boost dirs: [bin.v2, stage].
Then build 64-bit:
cd "C:\Michael's Data\development\sixth_column\boost_1_55_0"
bjam --toolset=msvc-12.0 address-model=64 --build-type=complete --stagedir=windows_lib\x64 stage
Now open VS2013 x86 Native Tools Command Prompt and build 32-bit:
cd "C:\Michael's Data\development\sixth_column\boost_1_55_0"
bjam --toolset=msvc-12.0 address-model=32 --build-type=complete --stagedir=windows_lib\x86 stage
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! php debugging
! php debugging
Line 369: Line 1,024:
  /etc/init.d/apache restart
  /etc/init.d/apache restart

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! [[Bash basics]] but please prefer node or python :-)
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! misc
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{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable"
! java eclipse project layout format
! SVN repo move across servers
|- Eclipse uses a workspace which holds projects.  Java apps written with Eclipse are organized as follows:
| * Eclipse workspace (can also be the top version-control folder)
| ** project folder (typically one "app" that you can "run")
* use a tool like VisualSVN to stop SVN server
| *** package(s) (named something like "com.developer.project.application")
* copy the repo's entire svn server directory, eg: c:\svn\Software
| **** classes (each class is contained in one file)
* copy it into the new server under a unique name, eg: c:\svn\NewSoftware
* use a tool like VisualSVN to restart SVN server
You should now have the new code, accessible as usual from svn.
NOTE from Tom: If you move code around, make sure you tag it, then copy the tag, to preserve history (as opposed to directly moving the folder).  Weird but true.
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! SQL Server 2008+ proper upsert using MERGE
! SQL Server 2008+ proper upsert using MERGE
Line 425: Line 1,103:
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! git create merge-to command
| Add this handy alias command to all git repos' .config file...
    merge-to = "!gitmergeto() { export tmp_branch=`git branch | grep '* ' | tr -d '* '` && git checkout $1 && git merge $tmp_branch && git checkout $tmp_branch; unset tmp_branch; }; gitmergeto"
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable"
! git windows configure notepad++ editor
git config --global core.editor "'C:/Program Files (x86)/Notepad++/notepad++.exe' -multiInst -notabbar -nosession -noPlugin"
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable"
! git fix push behavior - ONLY PUSH CURRENT doh
git config --global push.default current
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable"
! git shared repo
| If multiple devs are pushing to the same repo (isn't this common???), you should ensure group sharing...
sudo groupadd gitdevs
sudo adduser "$LOGNAME" gitshare # and any other users
cd /repository/path
git init --shared=group # re-init of existing is OK; this adds group access to newly added files
chown -R :gitdevs "$PWD" # to fix existing files
chown -R g+swX "$PWD"
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable"
! git recreate repo
git clone ssh://[email protected]/home/m/development/thedigitalage/ampache-with-hangthedj-module
cd ampache-with-hangthedj-module
git checkout -b daily_grind origin/daily_grind
If you already have the daily_grind branches and just need to connect them:
git branch -u origin/daily_grind daily_grind
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable"
! git connect to origin after the fact
git remote add origin ssh:// [email protected]/home/m/development/logs
git fetch
    From ssh:// bitpost/home/m/development/logs
      * [new branch]      daily_grind -> origin/daily_grind
      * [new branch]      master    -> origin/master
git branch -u origin/daily_grind daily_grind
git checkout master
git branch -u origin/master master
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable"
! Windows command prompt FULL SCREEN
|Type cmd in start search box and right-click on the cmd shortcut which appears in the results. Select Run CMD as administrator.
Next, in the command prompt, type wmic and hit Enter.
Now try to maximize it!
Close it and again open it. It will open as a maximized window!
You may have to ensure that the Quick Edit Mode in the Options tab is checked.
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable"
! bash chmod dirs
find /path/to/base/dir -type d -exec chmod g+x {} \;
{| class="wikitable"
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! [[Web Services]]
! [[Web Services]]
Line 510: Line 1,110:
! [[Firefox Addon development]]
! [[Firefox Addon development]]
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{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable"
! mediawiki collapsible skeleton
! c++ Create a portable autotools C++ project in linux
| #replace#
For anything serious, it's best to clone an existing project's skeleton.
* main.cpp
* MVC code
* nix/copy_from folder
* make sure .bashrc is configured for boost
* nix$ force release debug
* set up eclipse according to screenshots in [[Eclipse]]
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable"
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable"
! mediawiki collapsible example
! c++ Create a portable C++ project in Visual Studio
| DJs are kept on the active Active djs are maintained Active djs are maintained Active djs are maintained Active djs are maintained Active djs are maintained Active djs are maintained djs list when both the server and the dj are enabled.
| All djs are shown in the prefs djs list.

Line 2
If you don't have existing code, it's probably best to create a project_name.cpp file with your main() function.
int main( int argc, char * argv[] )
Line 3
    return 0;
All djs are shown in the prefs djs list.All djs are shown in the prefs djs list.All djs are shown in the prefs djs list.All djs are shown in the prefs djs list.All djs are shown in the prefs djs list.
  cd /var/www/localhost/htdocs/mediawiki
Then in Visual Studio...
  emacs LocalSettings_redirector.php (to hardcode each site)
  File->New->Project from existing code
  php maintenance/update.php
  (repeat for each site)
  (then use mostly defaults on this page, once you provide file location and project name)
  emacs LocalSettings_redirector.php (to reset dynamic behavior)
  Project file location:  <base>\project_name
Project name: project_name
[x] Add files from these folders
    Add subs 
    [x]        <base>\project_name
Use Visual Studio
  Console application project
Then add Reusable and boost include and lib paths:
Example if you built boost according to notes below:
  Project->Properties->All Configurations->Configuration Properties->VC++ Directories->Include Directories->
INCLUDE: C:\Software Development\boost_1_53_0
  LIB: C:\Software Development\boost_1_53_0\stage\lib

Latest revision as of 23:15, 25 November 2023

Design, programming and version control.

Major Objects
Continuous Integration
Architecture of major open source apps
Model View Controller
nosql enhances, not replaces, SQL
Not all data should be denormalized, and not all data should be normalized. The optimal mix considers the extent of the data.
  • Precise schemas are good when not overdone
  • When a container has an array with a large number of elements, it should be normalized
  • Sparse data and heterogeneous data are the best candidates for denormalization

Postgres with JSON allows an elegant combination of nosql and SQL.

Web design mantra
    1. respect the input device
    2. detect it and use a reasonable default guess
    3. allow manual override
    4. [mouse/pen]...[finger]
    5. sm-md-lg ... sm-md-lg
    1. high-res = SHOW LOTS OF DETAIL
    2. responsive, zoomable
git central shared repository
Use bare repos for any central shared repositories. Use the [####.git] suffix on bare repo names.

Bare repositories are designed to be shared. Maintenance on the central server is easier because you don't have local files to manage permissions or constant flux. Plus, you can always have a second repo on the central server where you check out a specific branch (e.g. to serve up with apache). If you want a dynamically updated central repo, clone the ###.git repo to ###, and add a post-receive hook (see bitpost quick-http.git for a good example).

To configure the repo as shared:

git config core.sharedRepository true

To set it on a new git repo during initial setup, make sure devs are in the same group, and use:

git init --shared=group
Occam's razor
Among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected.
Deleting multiple elements in a collection
  • For sequences (vector, list...), best practice is to use the erase-remove STL pattern
  • For associative containers (set, map...): just recurse and remove iterators, they won't muck up the sequence. example

See MemoryModel::saveDirtyObjectsAsNeeded() for example code.

c++ Create a portable C/C++ project
Use QtCreator + CMake, both available everywhere!
   set up:
       create a Qt project as: New Project-> Non-Qt/Plain C Project (CMake Build)
           pick the PARENT and use the name of the existing folder
           set up a build folder in the existing folder, called (base)/qtcreator-release-build
           it creates CMakeLists.txt (THIS IS BASICALLY THE PROJECT FILE!)
           also creates main.c or something
           build it!  make sure it works
           NOW we can edit CMakeLists.txt - change . to ./src to get it to scan the src folder for code!
           and easily add "known" libs!  this was all i needed:
               TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(${PROJECT_NAME} pthread websockets)
           make sure it builds
           now we want a DEBUG build as well!
           Projects->Build&Run->pick Build in weird Build/Run pillbox->Edit build configs:
               Rename: release
               CMake build dir: Make sure build dir is set to release ie qtcreator-debug-build
               Add: Clone: release, name: debug
                   for debug, add a custom build step BEFORE make step:
                       command: /usr/bin/cmake
                       args: -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug .
                       working dir: %{buildDir}
                       (add it, and move it up above make)
                       (build em both)
           Projects->Build&Run->pick Run in weird Build/Run pillbox
               Run Configuration: rename to "{...} release"
               clone it into "{...} debug"
               change working dir to match Build path
               change any needed params
   Now you should have build+run debug+release configurations, selectable in the weird project icon in bottom of left-side toolbar ("mode selector")
c++ in-memory storage of "major" objects

   Consider An Important Qt Design: QObjects cannot normally be copied
       their copy constructors and assignment operators are private
       why?  A Qt Object...
           might have a unique QObject::objectName(). If we copy a Qt Object, what name should we give the copy?
           has a location in an object hierarchy. If we copy a Qt Object, where should the copy be located?
           can be connected to other Qt Objects to emit signals to them or to receive signals emitted by them. If we copy a Qt Object, how should we transfer these connections to the copy?
           can have new properties added to it at runtime that are not declared in the C++ class. If we copy a Qt Object, should the copy include the properties that were added to the original?
   in other words, a QObject is a pretty serious object that has the ability to be tied to other objects and resources in ways that make copying dangerous
   isn't this true of all serious objects?  pretty much

   if you have a vector of objects, you often want to track them individually outside the vector
   if you use a vector of pointers, you can move the object around much more cheaply, and not worry about costly large vector reallocations
   a vector of objects (not pointers) only makes sense if the number of objects is initially known and does not change over time

   STL vectors can store your pointers, iterate thru them, etc.
   for a vector of any substantial size, you want to keep objects sorted so you can find them quickly
   that's what my sorted_vector class is for; it simply bolts vector together with sort calls and a b_sorted status
   following STL practices, to get sorting, you have to provide operator< for whatever is in your vector
   BUT... you are not allowed to do operator<(const MyObjectPtr* right) because it would require a reference to a pointer which is not allowed
   BUT... you can provide a FUNCTOR to do the job, then provide it when sorting/searching
   a functor is basically a structure with a bool operator()(const MyObjectPtr* left, const MyObjectPtr* right)

   unordered_set works even better when combining frequent CRUD with frequent lookups
   Dealing with tons of objects is par for the course in any significant app.
   Finding a needle in the haystack of those objects is also standard fare.
   Having multiple indices into those objects is also essential.
   Using unordered_set with object pointers and is very powerful.
c++ stl reverse iterator skeleton
From SGI...
reverse_iterator rfirst(V.end());
reverse_iterator rlast(V.begin());

while (rfirst != rlast) 
    cout << *rfirst << endl;
c++ stl reading a binary file into a string
   std::ifstream in("",std::ios::binary);
   if (!in)
      std::cout << "problem with file open" << std::endl;
      return 0;
   unsigned long length = in.tellg();
   string str(length,0);
       std::istreambuf_iterator< char >(in) ,
       std::istreambuf_iterator< char >() ,

For more, see c++ stl reading a binary file

C/C++ best-in-class tool selection
I need to have easy setup of debug-level tool support for portable C++11 code. And I need to decide and stick to it to be efficient.
  • Compiler selection
    • linux and mac: gcc
    • windows: Visual Studio
  • IDE selection
    • linux and mac: Qt Creator
    • windows: Qt Creator (OR Visual Studio OR eclipse?)
  • Debugger selection
    • linux and mac: Qt Creator
    • windows: Qt Creator (OR Visual Studio OR eclipse?)
c++11 include base constructor (etc) in derived class
The awesome C++11 way to steal the constructor from the base class, oh man I've been waiting for this one...
 class HttpsServer : public Server<HTTPS>
   HttpsServer(unsigned short port, size_t num_threads, const std::string& cert_file, const std::string& private_key_file)
       // Call base class
       Server<HTTPS>::Server(port, num_threads, cert_file, private_key_file)
   using Server<HTTPS>::Server;
c++11 containers
sorted_vector use when doing lots of unsorted insertions and maintaining constant sort would be expensive; vector is good for a big pile of things that only occasionally needs a sorted lookup
map sorted binary search tree; always sorted by key; you can walk through in sorted order (choose unordered if not needed!)
multimap same as map but allows dupe keys (not as common)
unordered_map hashmap; always sorted by key; additional bucket required for hash collisions; no defined order when walking through
unordered_multimap same as map but allows dupe keys; dupes are obviously in the same bucket, and you can walk just the dupes if needed
sets are just like maps, except the key is embedded in the object, nice for encapsulation.

Items must be const (!) since they are the key - sounds bad, but this is mitigated by the mutable keyword.
You can use mutable on the variables that are not part of the key to remove the const.
This changes the constness of the object from binary (completely const) to logical (constness is defined by the developer).
So... set is a good way to achieve both encapsulation and logical const - make const work for you, not against!  :-)

set (etc.) of pointers sets of pointers are the pinnacle of object stores

The entire object can be dereferenced and accessed then without const issues.
A pointer functor can be provided that does a sort by dereferencing the pointer to the object.
Two requirements: you must make sure yourself that you do not change the key values - you can mark them const, provided in constructor;
you must create sort/equal/hash functors that dereference the pointers to use object contents
(the default will be by pointer address).
The arguably biggest advantage, as a result, is that you can create multiple sets
to reference the same group of objects with different sort funtors to create multiple indices.
You just have to manage the keys carefully, so that they don't change (which would invalidate the sorting).
The primary container can manage object allocation; using a heap-based unique_ptr allocation

   map vs key redux
       use a key in the set, derive a class from it with the contents
           + small key
           + encapsulation
           - requires mutable to solve the const problem
       use a key in the set, key includes a mutable object
           + encapsulation
           - weird bc everything uses a const object but we have const functions like save() that change the mutable subobject
       use a map
           + small key
           - no encapsulation, have to deal with a pair instead of an object
               can we just put a ref to key in the value?  sure why not - err, bc we don't have access to it
           + solves const problem bc value is totally mutable by design
           + we can have multiple keys - and the value can have multiple refs to them
           + simpler equal and hash functions
           create an object with internal key(s)
           create map index(es) with duplicate key values outside the object - dupe data is the downside
       use set(s) with one static key for find(): 
           create an object with internal key(s)
           create set index(es) with specific hash/equals functor(s)
           when finding, use one static key object (even across indexes!) so there isn't a big construction each time; just set the necessary key values
               that proves difficult when dealing with member vars that are references
               but to solve it, just set up a structure of dummy static key objects that use each other; then provide a function to setKey(Object& keyref) { keyref_ = keyref; }
               nope, can't reassign refs
               the solution: use pointers not references
               yes that's right
               just do it
               apparently there was a reason i was anti-reference for all those years
               two reasons to use pointers:
                   dynamically allocated
                   reassignment required
               there ya go.  simple.  get it done. 
           when accessing find results from the set, use a const_cast on the object!
           WARNING: a separate base class with the key sounds good... but fails when you have more than one index on the object.  just use a static key object for them all!
c++11 example for large groups of objects with frequent crud AND search
Best solution is an unordered set of pointers:
typedef boost::unordered_set<MajorObject*> MajorObjects;
c++11 example for large groups of objects with infrequent crud and frequent search
Best solution is a vector of pointers sorted on demand (sorted_vector):
c++11 example to associate two complex objects (one the map key, one the map value)
Use unordered_map with a custom object as key. You must add hash and equals functions. Boost makes it easy:
static bool operator==(MyKeyObject const& m1, MyKeyObject const& m2)
            m1.id_0 == m2.id_0
        &&  m1.id_1 == m2.id_1;
static std::size_t hash_value(MyKeyObject const& mko)
    std::size_t seed = 0;
    boost::hash_combine(seed, mko.id_0);
    boost::hash_combine(seed, mko.id_1);
    return seed;
typedef boost::unordered_map<MyKeyObject, MyValueObject*> MyMap;

Note that you can extend this to use a pointer to a key object, whoop.

c++11 example for multiple unordered_set indexes into one group of objects
Objects will be dynamically created. One set should include them all and be responsible for memory allocation cleanup:
c++11 example for set with specific sorting
Use set with a specific sort functor. You can create as many of these indexes as you want!
struct customers_set_sort_functor
    bool operator()(const MyObject* l, const MyObject* r) const
        // the id is the key
        return l->id_ < r->id_;
typedef set<MyObject*,myobject_sort_by_id_functor> MyObjectsById;
c++11 loop through vector to erase some items
Note that other containers' iterators may not be invalidated so you can just erase() as needed...

For vectors, you have to play with iterators to get it right - watch for proper ++ pre/postfix!

for (it = numbers.begin(); it != numbers.end(); )  // NOTE we increment below, only if we don't erase
    if (*it.no_good()) 
        numbers.erase(it++);  // NOTE that we ERASE THEN INCREMENT here.

I thought I had always looped backwards to do this, I *think* that's ok too, but I don't see it used in my code, I think I'll avoid.  :-)

c++11 range based for loop, jacked with boost index if needed
No iterator usage at all. Nice at times, not enough at others. Make SURE to always use a reference or you will be working on a COPY. Make it const if you aren't changing the object.
for (auto& mc : my_container)
for (const auto& cmc : my_container)
    cout << cmc.asString();

boost index can give you the index if you need it, sweet:

#include <boost/range/adaptor/indexed.hpp>
for (const auto &element: boost::adaptors::index(mah_container))
    cout << element.value() << element.index();
c++11 for loop using lambda
This C++11 for loop is clean and elegant and a perfect way to check if your compiler is ready for c++11:
vector<int> v;
for_each( v.begin(), v.end(), [] (int val)
   cout << val;
} );

This is using a lambda function, we should switch from iterators and functors to those - but not quite yet, since we're writing cross-platform code. Do not touch this until we can be sure that all platforms provide compatible C++11 handling.

c++11 integer types
I really like the "fast" C++11 types, that give best performance for a guaranteed minimum bit width.

Use them when you know a variable will not exceed the maximum value of that bit width, but does not have to be a precise bit width in memory or elsewhere.

Pick specific-width fields whenever data is shared with other processes and components and you want a guarantee of its bit width.

And when using pointer size and array indices you should use types defined for those specific situations.

FAST types:

   int_fast16_t                fastest signed integer type with width of
   int_fast32_t                at least 8, 16, 32 and 64 bits respectively
   uint_fast16_t               fastest unsigned integer type with width of
   uint_fast32_t               at least 8, 16, 32 and 64 bits respectively

SMALL types:

   int_least16_t               smallest signed integer type with width of
   int_least32_t               at least 8, 16, 32 and 64 bits respectively
   uint_least16_t		smallest unsigned integer type with width of
   uint_least32_t		at least 8, 16, 32 and 64 bits respectively

EXACT types:

   int8_t                      signed integer type with width of
   int16_t                     exactly 8, 16, 32 and 64 bits respectively
   int32_t                     with no padding bits and using 2's complement for negative values
   int64_t                     (provided only if the implementation directly supports the type)
   uint8_t                     unsigned integer type with width of
   uint16_t                    exactly 8, 16, 32 and 64 bits respectively
   uint32_t                    (provided only if the implementation directly supports the type)


   intptr_t                    integer type capable of holding a pointer
   uintptr_t                   unsigned integer type capable of holding a pointer 
   size_t                      unsigned integer type capable of holding an array index (same size as uintptr_t)
C++11 scoped enumeration
C++11 has scoped enumeration, which lets you specify the SPECIFIC VARIABLE TYPE for the enum. Perfect, let's use uint_fast32_t.
enum class STRING_PREF_INDEX int_fast32_t: { ... };

Unfortunately, gcc gives me a scary warning, and stuff fails. For some reason, it does not know about the provided type, although it is definitely defined. Revisit this later if you have time.

warning: elaborated-type-specifier for a scoped enum must not use the ‘class’ keyword

Old skool is still cool:

typedef enum
    // assert( SP_COUNT == 2 );
    SP_FIRST = 0                ,
    SP_ANOTHA                   ,

boost release and debug build for linux
   # download latest boost, eg: boost_1_59_0 
   m@wallee:~/development$ 7z x boost_1_59_0.7z
   rm boost && ln -s boost_1_59 boost
   cd boost
   # IMPORTANT: then patch .bashrc as instructed
   #     cmake-###/ and cmake-###/ are customized to match
   #     (and older eclipse and server/nix/ 

To upgrade a CMake project:

   cd cmake-###/

To upgrade an older autotools project:

   cd nix
   make distclean  # removes nasty .deps folders that link to old boost if you let them
   make clean      # removes .o files etc
   cd ../build-Release && make distclean && make clean
   cd ../build-Debug && make distclean && make clean
   cd ..
   ./bootstrap force release
   ./bootstrap force debug
boost release and debug build for Windows
Open a VS2015 x64 Native Tools Command Prompt.

EITHER: for new installs, you have to run bootstrap.bat first, it will build b2; OR: for reruns, remove boost dirs: [bin.v2, stage]. Then build 64-bit:

cd "....\boost_1_59_0"
b2 toolset=msvc variant=release,debug link=static address-model=64
rem trying to avoid excessive options, assuming I don't need these: threading=multi
(old stuff)
      --toolset=msvc-14.0 address-model=64 --build-type=complete --stagedir=windows_lib\x64 stage
      Now open VS2013 x86 Native Tools Command Prompt and build 32-bit:
      cd "C:\Michael's Data\development\sixth_column\boost_1_55_0"
      bjam --toolset=msvc-12.0 address-model=32 --build-type=complete --stagedir=windows_lib\x86 stage
boost regex (very similar to c++11, with LESS BUGS and MORE POWER)
boost regex does everything you could need, take your time to get it right
  • regex_search will work hard to find substrings, while regex_match requires your regex to match entire input
  • smatch is a great way to get back a bunch of iterators to the results


   virtual bool url_upgrade_any_old_semver(string& url)
     // Perform a regex to update the embedded version if needed.
     // We have to see if (1) we have a semver and (2) it is not the current semver.
     // Only then do we take action.
     boost::regex regex("/([v0-9.]+?)/(.*)");
     boost::smatch sm_res;
     if (boost::regex_match(url,sm_res,regex,boost::match_default))
       string incoming_semver(sm_res[1].first,sm_res[1].second);
       if (incoming_semver != semanticVersion())
         url = string("/")+semanticVersion()+"/"+string(sm_res[2].first,sm_res[2].second);
         return true;
     return false;


     original string:    string(sm_res[0].first,sm_res[0].second);
     first group:        string(sm_res[1].first,sm_res[1].second);
     second group:       string(sm_res[2].first,sm_res[2].second);
C++ libraries
String escape formatting across different languages and systems
  • c++ to JSON: always use nlohmann::json j.dump() to encode, to ensure strings are properly escaped
  • JSON to c++: always use nlohmann::json j.parse() "
  • c++ to Javascript: use raw_to_Javascript() to properly escape
  • c++ to sqlite: use SqliteLocalModel::safestr(), which uses double_doublequotes(str)



Robot Operating System

C++ https libraries

Configure Qt development on Windows + Mac + linux

Build the TagLib library with Visual Studio 2013

C/C++ building/linking
gcc makefile pain
  • I went through a LOT of pain to determine that gcc requires libraries to be listed AFTER the source and output parameters
  • set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point to your libs if they are not in system location
  • Make sure Makefile uses TABS NOT SPACES. it's a FACT OF LIFE. hate it if you want. plenty more things to hate about linux/C as well.
gcc install multiple versions in ubuntu (4 and 5 in wily, eg)
My code will not compile with gcc 5, the version provided with Ubuntu wily.

It gives warnings like this:

/home/m/development/boost_1_59_0/boost/smart_ptr/shared_ptr.hpp:547:34: warning: ‘template<class> class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]

and outright errors like this:

depbase=`echo AtServer.o | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.o$||'`;\
g++ -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"at_server\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"at_server\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"at_server\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"[email protected]\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"at_server\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I../../src  -I/home/m/development/Reusable/c++ -I/home/m/development/Reusable/c++/sqlite -std=c++11 -I/home/m/development/boost_1_59_0  -ggdb3 -O0 -std=c++11 -MT AtServer.o -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o AtServer.o ../../src/AtServer.cpp &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Po
In file included from /usr/include/c++/5/bits/stl_algo.h:60:0,
                from /usr/include/c++/5/algorithm:62,
                from /usr/include/c++/5/ext/slist:47,
                from /home/m/development/boost_1_59_0/boost/algorithm/string/std/slist_traits.hpp:16,
                from /home/m/development/boost_1_59_0/boost/algorithm/string/std_containers_traits.hpp:23,
                from /home/m/development/boost_1_59_0/boost/algorithm/string.hpp:18,
                from /home/m/development/Reusable/c++/utilities.hpp:4,
                from ../../src/MemoryModel.hpp:11,
                from ../../src/SqliteLocalModel.hpp:13,
                from ../../src/AtServer.cpp:70:
/usr/include/c++/5/bits/algorithmfwd.h:573:13: error: initializer provided for function
/usr/include/c++/5/bits/algorithmfwd.h:582:13: error: initializer provided for function
    noexcept(noexcept(swap(*__a, *__b)))

You can set up the update-alternatives tool to switch out the symlinks:

sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-4.9 60 --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-4.9
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-5 20 --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-5

BUT that seems BAD to me to switch out the compiler used by the SYSTEM. Instead, we should specify the compiler required by the PROJECT. This is supposed to do it, but it still uses /usr/include/c++/5, which seems wrong, and gives me errors:

Chrome capture large JSON variable
This is just pointlessly bizarre:
  • hit a breakpoint in the chrome debugger
  • right-click a variable and say "copy to global variable" (console will show name, typically "temp1")
  • push the variable to the clipboard by typing this in the console:
Visual Studio Code capture large string variable
While debugging, you can use the Debug Console to print memory, including the content of strings that are clipped by default in the variables and watch windows.
View > Open View > Debug Console

From there, send gdb a command to print memory – 300 characters of a string in this example:

-exec x/300sb Query.c_str()
Qt Creator conditional breakpoint
To break on line number with string condition:
  • Set the breakpoint on the line as usual: F9 or click in left border
  • In the breakpoints list, rclick Edit
  • Add a condition; to break on a string value, THIS WORKS:
         ((int)strcmp(strSymbol.c_str(), "GMO")) == 0
  • BUT THERE IS A PRICE TO PAY. qt/gcc won't continue properly, unless you sset ANOTHER common breakpoint, hit it, and resume from that. It appears gcc continues (we hit the breakpoint after all), but qt does no logging or debugging, bah
Qt Creator and linux debug libraries
  • I was able to build lws in debug, install in /usr/local, then I could step right into its code
m@case:~/development/causam/git/np/nop-bigress-client-c$ ./build_lws_debug
 Install the project...
 -- Install configuration: "DEBUG"
 -- Installing: /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/libwebsockets.pc
 -- Installing: /usr/local/lib/libwebsockets.a
 -- Up-to-date: /usr/local/include/libwebsockets.h
  • Signals: At some point I needed to force gdb to pass SIGINT, SIGPIPE... signals to the app instead of gdb, after ssl kept causing Qt to pop a message and break in the debugger. To do so:
       Qt Creator->Options->Debugger->
           [ ] Show a message box when receiving a signal
           Debugger Helper Customization: handle SIGPIPE pass nostop noprint
  • You should be able to install debug builds of libraries into /usr/local (as mentioned above). Older notes if you can't get that going: To debug into an included library that is not installed system-wide:
use Tools->Options->General->Source Paths Map
 source: /home/m/development/causam/git/nop-bigress-client-c/cmake-debug
 target: /home/m/development/causam/git/libwebsockets-master/lib
   at first i thought this would work: /usr/local/lib
   but i did a static build so i needed teh actual exe!  COOL
QT Creator valgrind EASY
Valgrind is easy to use. Just find debugger pane top-left dropdown, switch mode from Debugger to Memcheck, and restart debugger.
c/c++ gdb debugging
(gdb) help break
Set breakpoint at specified line or function.
Argument may be line number, function name, or "*" and an address.
If line number is specified, break at start of code for that line.
If function is specified, break at start of code for that function.
If an address is specified, break at that exact address.
With no arg, uses current execution address of selected stack frame.
This is useful for breaking on return to a stack frame.

Multiple breakpoints at one place are permitted, and useful if conditional.    

Do "help breakpoints" for info on other commands dealing with breakpoints.
ddd gives you a front end. I need to use it more, compare to other options
Library handling in linux
gcc library basics (good to know for autotools and CMake too)
  • The gcc -l command line option specifies a specific library NAME. It will add the rest to give you (eg) lib[NAME].a
  • Specify the library search path with the -L option. Things that you as a user install seem to default to /usr/local/lib
  • This will link myprogram with the static library libfoo.a in the folder /home/me/foo/lib.
       gcc -o myprogram -lfoo -L/home/me/foo/lib myprogram.c

Tools to check library dependencies:

  • ldd [executable]
  • objdump -p /path/to/program | grep NEEDED
  • objdump -x []
  • readelf -d [exe]
  • sudo pldd <PID>
  • sudo pmap <PID>

Cross Compiling

C - Create a portable command line C project in Visual Studio
   Visual Studio: File -> New -> project
   Visual C++ -> Win32 -> Win32 Console Application
   name: oms_with_emap
   next -> click OFF precompiled header checkbox (even tho it didn't seem to respect it)
   you'll get a _tmain(..., TCHAR*...)
   change it to main(..., char*...)
   change the project to explicitly say "Not using precompiled header"
   remove the f'in stdafx.h
   recompile!  should be clean
   vs will recognize C files and compile accordingly
Count records within a range
This groups records into ranges, sorts by them, and gives a count, sweet:
   select count(*), id/1000000 as groupid from AccountHistory group by groupid;

postgres - sqlite - mysql - SQL Server - Robo 3T - DBeaver - pgadmin4

Raspberry Pi
.NET Core
php debugging
Tail these:
tail -f /var/log/apache2/sitelogs/
tail -f /var/log/ampache-tda/ampache.(today).log
This leads to too much noise, not needed...
emacs /etc/php/apache2-php5.3/php.ini
  display_errors = On
/etc/init.d/apache restart
Bash basics but please prefer node or python :-)
SVN repo move across servers
  • use a tool like VisualSVN to stop SVN server
  • copy the repo's entire svn server directory, eg: c:\svn\Software
  • copy it into the new server under a unique name, eg: c:\svn\NewSoftware
  • use a tool like VisualSVN to restart SVN server

You should now have the new code, accessible as usual from svn. NOTE from Tom: If you move code around, make sure you tag it, then copy the tag, to preserve history (as opposed to directly moving the folder). Weird but true.

SQL Server 2008+ proper upsert using MERGE
       -- We need an "upsert": if record exists, update it, otherwise insert.
       -- There are several options to do that.
       -- Trying to do it correctly means...
       --		1) use a lock or transaction to make the upsert atomic
       --		2) use the best-available operation to maximize performance
       -- SQL Server 2008 has MERGE which may be slightly more efficient than 
       -- separate check && (insert||update) steps.  And we can do it with
       -- a single lock instead of a full transaction (which may be better?).
       -- It's messy to code up though since three blocks of fields must be specified.  
       -- Cest la vie.
       MERGE [dbo].[FACT_DCSR_RemPeriodMonthlyReport] WITH (HOLDLOCK) AS rpmr
       USING (SELECT @ID AS ID) AS new_foo
             ON rpmr.ID = new_foo.ID

               @last_months_year as DCSRYear,
               @last_month as DCSRMonth,
               @last_month_name as MonthName,

                   SET f.UpdateSpid = @@SPID, 
                   UpdateTime = SYSDATETIME() 
Web Services
Firefox Addon development
c++ Create a portable autotools C++ project in linux

For anything serious, it's best to clone an existing project's skeleton.

  • main.cpp
  • MVC code
  • nix/copy_from folder
  • make sure .bashrc is configured for boost
  • nix$ force release debug
  • set up eclipse according to screenshots in Eclipse
c++ Create a portable C++ project in Visual Studio

If you don't have existing code, it's probably best to create a project_name.cpp file with your main() function.

int main( int argc, char * argv[] )
    return 0;

Then in Visual Studio...

File->New->Project from existing code
(then use mostly defaults on this page, once you provide file location and project name)
Project file location:  <base>\project_name
Project name: project_name
[x] Add files from these folders
   Add subs  
   [x]        <base>\project_name
Use Visual Studio
  Console application project

Then add Reusable and boost include and lib paths: Example if you built boost according to notes below:

Project->Properties->All Configurations->Configuration Properties->VC++ Directories->Include Directories->
INCLUDE: C:\Software Development\boost_1_53_0
LIB: C:\Software Development\boost_1_53_0\stage\lib