I have been dreaming of being master of my very own email addresses for a while now. Finally, [ m @ thedigitalmachine.com] has arrived.

Actually getting Redhat 7.2 to cooperate with my plans required a bit of digging to uncover an underlying problem. It turns out that for Redhat 7.2’s default configuration, “sendmail will only accept and send email for ‘localhost'”. You will not get mail from any other box until you change this default, which takes a little work. Get the full dirt here, read on… (continued…)

Power went out on my linux box, so I got slapped with a new IP. I updated my DNS records with the new IP, and waited for it to propogate. I still had trouble getting my website served back up and called Zac in to help – no matter how hard I tried, the home page would just not show up – until he pointed out that maybe it had something to do with the fact that Apache wasn’t running.

Xax has gotten another round of the Embedded HTTP Server (EHS) together. It now handles MIME! Check it out at his EHS page.

Zac and Bill share the crack award for being baffled about storing two numbers that range from 0 to 12 in one tiny little byte.