The zero-value self-perpetuating computing experience continues! Read on for the exciting story of me talking to myself! 😛 (Oh, wait, that’s nothing new, it’s all this entire web site ever was! hoohoohoo!)

I want to take a moment to document my first coupla dents in the slashdot/OSS world. I made the front page of slashcode with this silly little bit, in fact Krow himself (oooo ahhh) was actually forced to modify a param of the slashcode site following the overwhelming response! (2 comments, one if you don’t count me replying to myself) And my slashdot comment actually got moderated all the way up to 2.

I’s all growed up now!

Running this little site, along with online bookmarks and online email, has really been kicking Apache’s booty on my little K6-2 400MHz. Checking Apache’s performance-tuning help, I tweaked the following:

  • MaxClients 15
    This is the most fundamental setting, I turned it down from 150 to 15 to stop all the page swapping I was getting.
  • AllowOverride None
    This saves Apache from having to look for any “.htaccess” files that happen to be scattered about.
  • Options FollowSymLinks
    This saves Apache from having to call lstat all over the place to see if a file is a symlink.
  • HostnameLookups off
    This saves Apache from having to do DNS resolutions of names from all the IP’s just so it can write them in logs or whatever.

1000% snappier! Happy happy joy joy!

“Yeah, you are totally hidden going through that proxy, trust me…”

Um, I’m gonna shut up right here, enough said about this one…

Prashanth: “Here’s a quiz. Who invented Calculus?”
Me: “I dunno, Pythagoras? Euclid?”
Prashanth: “Nope, it was EINSTEIN!”
Me: “Aaaaaaaappp! WRONG ANSWER!”

Still convinced he was right, Baby Bird started digging for the answer. When dates like 300 AD started popping up, he got a little concerned. Turns out that if there is an “inventor”, credit would go to Newton, or perhaps Leibniz.