I attended the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 / Visual Studio .net 2003 Launch event (hey it was right next door, and it was free!). Mostly marketing hype, but the last session covered some great features in VC++ 2003:
Time to break it out…
I attended the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 / Visual Studio .net 2003 Launch event (hey it was right next door, and it was free!). Mostly marketing hype, but the last session covered some great features in VC++ 2003:
Time to break it out…
OK, have fun drawing here (you need a Java-enabled browser, tis all)… For the really cool part, open up side-by-side copies of this page in two browser windows before you start drawing… then get your Australian penpal to do the same… then yer old girlfriend in England… then…
Update: drawboard uses a custom port for communication, so there’s a good chance that any firewall will block it…
Anonymous Coward writes “hiya”.
Not too much going on here, except that I submitted this story from my beasty Handspring Visor Sprint PCS phone module. $12.95 off ebay…