I have finally gotten cyrus imap and sieve up and limping along. I don’t even want to begin to document the pain it was to set up… the only thing I’ll say is… USE A PRE-COMPILED CYRUS IMAP PACKAGE if possible – after struggling along for weeks, the Fedora Core 2 RPM installed in seconds with zero problems. Fedora Tracker is da bomb. My cyrus setup isn’t perfect yet… but I can pull up my email in 4 seconds instead of 300 now…

Bottom line: if you want an email account on thedigitalmachine.com, now is the time to ask. :>

With Red Hat dropping support for Red Hat Linux (duh!), it was only a matter of time before I made a move to a new distro – when it comes to running an internet-exposed server, a little guy like me has no choice – I HAVE to run an up-to-date auto-patched distro. With cyrus playing the role of the proverbial straw, I decided to upgrade (sidegrade?) to Fedora. Read on for all the gory details – just kidding, it’s not that bad. In fact, in retrospect, yum made it downright smooth.
