I continue my love affair with Gentoo by moving to the latest profile, 2007.0. Profiles are sort of watermarks that are released every 6 months or so. They prevent major upgrades to your system, until you’re ready to make the leap to a new profile. Once again, very well done, Gentoo dudes. I’ve got three Gentoo machines at this point, and I’ve migrated two with zero problems. The only real change for me was that I learned to use dispatch-conf with rcs (which gives you version-controlled automated configuration updates, whoop!) instead of the more clumsy etc-update. Oh, and it looks like the gnome terminal configuration file format changed, as my settings are no longer valid. But mythtv is rocking along, no problems. I even managed to upgrade the TV recordings drive from a 250GB to a 400GB sata drive along the way. Party on.
UPDATE: I had the gnome-terminal problem on two different machines. A re-emerge fixed it up:
emerge -av gnome-terminal