FF3 was unmasked in package.keywords, but it’s stable now, so no longer needed. The unmasked gtk+ was starting to cause problems.

Remove from package.keywords:



# for rubyripper
# for boost


emerge --unmerge texlive

Also note that xorg server 1.5 is stable now! Whoop!

I was trying to find a better alternative to elogviewer, because it doesn’t come up sorted by reverse date. [kelogviewer] was the candidate, so I unmasked it, but the deps are creeping. Kill it…

…so remove it! 😛

For some reason, the emerge of wordpress overwrote my wp-config.php. Fixed in two seconds since I keep all my config files under version control. Silly cvs diff command (makes you grateful for git’s use of the carat):

cvs log myfile
cvs diff -r 1.4 myfile

Here’s the path I want to send X packets across:

[nightly] - corporatefirewall - internets - [server] - [desktop]

The server only has what it needs to serve, which means no X server. I assumed that my X packets would just get merrily passed through when using [ssh -Y]. But the server didn’t have the [xauth] package installed – without it, you don’t get X authentication – in fact, all you do get is the extremely unhelpful error message “can’t open display”.

emerge -Davu xauth
(18 package installations, yikes!)

Next I had to make sure that ssh allowed X packets, and allowed them over TCP. Edit [/etc/ssh/sshd_config]:

Match User m
    X11Forwarding yes
    AllowTcpForwarding yes

Of course, I’m a bad person for doing this kind of insecure stuff. Silly me giving up security for usefulness. Oh well.