# MDM Un-soft-mask VLC (and dependencies)

According to the September gentoo newsletter, it’s time to replace tetex with texlive (whatever! :P).

WARNING: Unmerging tetex apparently killed my ability to spawn a new xterm?! Make sure you keep one (or more) running and do all this in one step! After completion, spawning xterms worked again.

emerge --unmerge -av tetex
rm /etc/texmf/texmf.d/00texmf.cnf
find /usr/bin -type l ! -xtype f ! -xtype d -ok rm -f {} \;
rm -rf /var/lib/texmf/web2c
emerge -Davu texlive
(33 packages - partly because of my previous FF3 unmasks...)

I’m getting pretty annoyed at this process… currently unmasked in [package.keywords]:

# === Unmask Firefox 3 ===
# MDM 08/08/08 FF3 is currently masked ... 
# FF2 is KILLING my little machine...
# ...and deps - stable epiphany keeps reinstalling FF2...
# Ack,this won't work - epiphany requires all of *gnome* to be unmasked.
# Have to put up with broken [emerge world] or wait for stable FF3.

# MDM 09/08 OK, all betta now with these unmasked 
# and addition of [xulrunner] global USE flag. 

# MDM 10/17/08 Broken again.  This is quite annoying...
# I'll add and add and see how far I have to go...
# ======= end FF3 =======

Added [subversion] to make.conf. gentoo tracks this flag on the git package to determine whether to install git-svn or not. I can’t imagine anywhere that I wouldn’t want svn support, so I made it global.

[x] tdm2 [x] wimpy [x] tdm

Had to do some cleanup to get nightly emerge working again. I’m looking to see if FF 3.0.2 is marked stable yet (it was just pushed to my Windoze boxxen today).

Silly qca kept simultaneously requiring and blocking the 1.0-r2 version, add this to [package.keywords] to fix it:

# MDM Workaround for this qca bug:
#   http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=238000
# "the proper workaround is the 'local' stabilisation:"

Also, WordPress was blocking with “no packages available”. Gentoo has switched (to my knowledge) so that hard-masked packages have to be unmasked in both package.keywords and package.unmask, added to both and we’re getting the latest version again. Happy day.
