There is still a window of opportunity for all my idealistic music management software designs, as born out by this single iTunes screenshot…

iTunes sucks

It also drops the ball getting through the firewall at work. I actually quite excited having the “perfect” Apple brand crumbling down around me. Opportunities abound! And there are certainly iPhone gaps as well. I will hold off on my thoughts in that department for now, as I’d rather release working solutions! :>

Add [app-admin/eselect-boost] to package.keywords.

emerge --unmerge alsa-utils
emerge alsa-utils
emerge -Davu world

The MythTV developers are stabilizing the svn trunk at the moment. I’m building it regularly. In gentoo, do this:

sudo emerge -Davu libcdaudio

For some reason, at the end of its life, gentoo devs decided to change the way KDE 3.5 is handled in portage. I had to hand-pick and unmerge a ton of KDE packages, then reinstall a different new “meta” package. I know there are lots of challenges in keeping up with all the linux userspace chaos, but I wish gentoo devs leaned just a LITTLE more towards a seemless end user experience. But that would not be gentoo then! Compile and learn. :>

emerge --unmerge -av kdegraphics kdebase kdelibs kdepim
emerge --unmerge poppler poppler-bindings
emerge --unmerge -av kde:3.5
emerge -av kde-meta:3.5

240 packages later… let’s try a full emerge… had to do more cleanup…

emerge -av --unmerge app-cdr/k3b perl-Compress-Zlib perl-IO-Compress-Base IO-Compress-Zlib perl-IO-Compress-Zlib Compress-Zlib IO-Compress-Base
emerge -DavuN world

129 packages later, and I couldn’t resist, I had to push my luck with an [emerge –depclean]. A few minutes later, and a couple hundred packages lighter, I tried to re-add doxygen, which went away during the depclean. But gcc was apparently borked when an older version was removed. Fix it with this tool:

gcc-config -l
gcc-config 1 # pick a number from the list

Yay gentoo! Full steam ahead.

Latest bump of fluxbox changed the default location of the keys file from [~/.fluxbox/keys] to somewhere in [/usr]. Kinda frustrating when your window manager stops responding to your shortcuts! Just update the [session.keyFile] entry in [~/.fluxbox/init] to the old location. aifol.