OK, skinning HTDJ well really requires rewriting all the controls to be my own. MFC is really nasty about getting it all right – I am sure it is possible to get controls that draw without flash over bitmapped backgrounds, but it is NOT fun. So… I am trying a shift in gears…

ZINF is very close to what I need for the next HTDJ – skinning, streaming, etc., etc. It has none of the cool features of HTDJ… time for a little MERGING wahoooooo!

New HangTheDJ version is available here.

Nothing major, just fixed the refresh on filter change. This also has the first bit of skinning in it, so it is a bit ugly. Sorry! :>

Once I wrap up the skinning, and a few other odds and ends (the menu on both the small view and the taskbar view, for example), I think I will go for a major release. Hope you enjoy.