Knocked out my mythtv box with a hasty half-finished emerge, making the whole family disappointed in the loss of movies and TV. Here’s how to stage an upgrade properly. (continued…)

Time to update boost to version 1.35 under linux, now that I’ve updated it under Windoze. (continued…)

(Editor’s note: More gentoo MythTV installation notes… don’t expect order here, for that, see my wiki…)

OK, all my gear has arrived, I sent back the bad CPU and motherboard and got replacements, everything is humming (very quietly I might add! what a sweet case…), and I’m ready for the final (ha!) gentoo Media Center install.

I’m using this gear:

AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+ Manchester 2.0GHz Socket 939
NForce 430
GeForce 6150
8 channel HD audio codec RealTek ALC880 (INTEL)


Read this guy’s notes. Seriously. Working out my own threading issues for STDJ’s purposes, I either came to the same conclusions, or should have. Even though it’s “old skool MFC”, it has great advice that can be abstracted and applied to any multithreaded environment. I’m keeping a backup of that page.

My initial troubles came from trying to decipher the MSDN docs on how to start/end a thread. There are at least FOUR #*&@% different ways to do it, and the docs are so bad they will make you go blind if you read them all. After digging for a while, the guy at has it right when he says only one is correct. A quick peek at the Shareaza code base shows that they agree. Upwards and onwards with AfxBeginThread()!

Other issues that he helped me with were using the volatile keyword on shared (and properly locked) variables, and using ::PostMessage, not ::SendMessage, from thread to thread (I should have figured that one out, sigh…).

If I get enough time I am hopeful about switching to boost’s thread library in the future.

I cranked this out in OpenOffice “in like 2 minutes”, to quote Napolean Dynamite…

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