From CVS checkin comment:

“HTDJ is now VS 7 compatible. This means we start using the VS 7 ( VS .net 2003 ) compiler from now on – I do NOT want to have to deal with keeping it compatible with VC 6. Boost here we come!”

HangTheDJ stable build April 16, 2004 (old!)
HangTheDJ development build Feb 22, 2005

A hyper-quick CliffNotes summary of X for those new to linux: The X Window System is the foundation of the GUI of modern Unices. The best part: it allows you to escape the graphical prison of a M$ Windoze(TM) operating system by running an “X Server”. The X server can display your X windows from a remote linux machine on the local machine instead (even if it’s a Windoze(TM) box). With a smart Winblows(TM) SSH client like putty, you can tunnel your X packets through an SSH session, so you end up with both command line and graphical secure remote access to your boxxen, whoop!

There are literally TONS of X servers for Windumbs(TM). However, I think I just found the best. Cygwin is a super-groovy set of native libraries that provide a command shell under Winslows(TM) with a LOT of linux functionality. On top of that, they provide an X environment. On top of THAT, it comes with an X server. Just run the Cygwin setup program, and make sure you include the following components:

  • xorg-x11-base
  • x-startup-scripts

    Then open your Cygwin shell and type “”.

    As a final note, I’m having a lot of luck with the newer flavor of X. It’s running on my Gentoo box, my Fedora box, and the Cygwin on this laptop. All the goodies, none of the crankiness, of XFree86. :>

    Life just doesn’t get any better under Windoesn’t(TM).

  • Actually this is a good thing, I’ve seen lots of good Visual Studio C++ info from these guys:

  • Peter Huene, “building”
  • Andy Pennell, “debugging”
  • John Cunningham, debugging?
  • “Five testers from VC”
  • “Enterprise Performance Tools Team” group blog?
  • “Angry Richard”

    Mebbe even worth monitoring the RSS feeds, time will tell. Cool.

  • Got Visual Studio 2005 Beta 1 with my MSDN subscription recently. Anyone can get a “hobbyist” version here (now everyone, all together, say “thank you open source” for forcing M$’s hand on that).

    It looks nice, has a C++ configuration available for selection on the first-time run that has been fairly comfortable for me.

    UPDATE: OK, I’m switching, this looks good and the VC++ 6 compiler has got to go. Read on for the details…

    ‘NUTHA UPDATE: I’ve seen blogs ranting about the class diagram functionality, which can operate in both directions, letting you add to the actual code by adding to the diagram, and vice versa… but generating one is not obvious. Hopefully not just hyped fanboy blogging… ’cause we’re WAY overdue for something like that… everyone knows the Rose Stinks… 😛

    ‘NUTHA UPDATE: It’s simple, just select Solution Explorer->YourC++Project->Add->New Item->Visual C++->Class Diagram (!). Give it a name and start dragging in classes. You can have more than one diagram in a project. OK, I have to say, I’m all about this, nice.


    I attended the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 / Visual Studio .net 2003 Launch event (hey it was right next door, and it was free!). Mostly marketing hype, but the last session covered some great features in VC++ 2003:

  • “98%” C++ ISO compliant (now supports template partial specialization, compiles boost, loki and blitz++ out of the box…)
  • whole-program optimization, can inline across modules
  • better intellisense, faster dynamic help, faster startup, generate html from comments
  • support for Windows Forms via Forms Designer – includes docking and auto-resizing layout capabilities – but generated code is “managed” (allocations are done on the .net garbage collected heap hrmmm…) – you can derive forms!
  • /G7 optimization switch for P4/Athlon, “5-15% improvement”
  • /GS security switch to check for buffer overflows and exception table hacking
  • /arch:SSE/SSE2 for improved (“2-3%”) floating-point performance

    Time to break it out…