The simple example will show you all you need to know. Handles all those crazy command-line options for ya, nice.
0.5.11 was reviewed and approved, which makes it public. This is great for two reasons:
- Users can install the addon without logging in to
- Users will get live updates to the latest approved version
This is VERY good stuff. To put it in perspective, I had a couple hundred downloads this morning, and I’ve been watching that number jump by 100 every hour or two – it’s currently over 600. Exciting times for my little addon!
I released 0.5.12 by request to address more international google URLS (eg, The nice guy that requested it even donated $10 afterwards. A good day all around. :>
Avelsieve is a really nicely done web interface for email rules. It is a plugin for Squirrelmail, a tried-and-true webmail client, that works with a cyrus IMAP server, another old dog that is a nightmare to install but gets the job done no matter what it is.
The system has been handling my email for years, but for the past few months, I haven’t been able to get Avelsieve to edit my email rules. It’s very picky about compatibility. Today I finally dug in and fixed that. Apparently cyrus updates broke avelsieve, but there’s a workaround. Turned out to be one line in the avelsieve config file, updated as follows:
# MDM Will this fix the problem of not decoding scripts?
# MDM YES! IT DOES! Thank goodness.
# see
#$avelsieve_disabletls = false;
$avelsieve_disabletls = true;
Yay! My pretty and powerful email rules are back!
Google updated their results page today, Google Results Walker has been updated to match.
It was a simple change of the footer, from using an ID of ‘footer’ to using a className of ‘clr’ (?), but it was enough to break walker. I updated the code do more checking of assumptions, so next time the placement may get thrown off but it won’t break.
Have fun with it!
I’ve been banging my head trying to figure out why Squirrelmail is dog-slow retrieving headers from my cyrus imap server on large mail folders. Squirrelmail 1.15 has been hard-masked for a WHILE, gentoo only likes 1.4. I un-hard-masked it (add it to package.unmask AND package.keywords), and it looks rough, but GREAT… FAST! Finally apparently using squatter indexes and/or imap SORT… javascript/ajaxy… will keep tweaking it…