Microsoft has had to publish documentation on a few hundred Windows API functions previously reserved for use by Microsoft’s own software products (termed “Middleware” in the courtroom). Now you too can get in on the fun! Of course, the most fun here is not the actual API (which is mostly obscure, and shoddily documented, what a shocker), but just browsing something that you know M$ was forced to provide against its will. Surreal.

New HangTheDJ version is available here.

Nothing major, just fixed the refresh on filter change. This also has the first bit of skinning in it, so it is a bit ugly. Sorry! :>

Once I wrap up the skinning, and a few other odds and ends (the menu on both the small view and the taskbar view, for example), I think I will go for a major release. Hope you enjoy.

First step, set up a linux user and a Windows logon that match.

Viewing Windows shares from linux
Type the following (eventually set it up to run on boot):

mount -t smbfs //sharename/c /mnt/sharename_c -o username=### -orw -ofmask=777 -odmask=777 -ouid=www
(### = your Windows/linux logon name)

Viewing linux partitions from Windows
Set up /etc/samba/smb.cnf as follow
then run [/etc/rc.d/init.d/smb restart]

workgroup = #### (set to match Windows PC’s)
hosts allow = 192.168.###. (### = your LAN’s range)
comment = root path
path = /
public = yes
writable = yes
printable = no
write list = @### (### = your Windows/linux logon name)
create mask = 0755

My original lil’ Linux box, an old Dell P133 (back when I bought PC’s pre-assembled, how boring), wasn’t really up to serving up a full GUI while I was taxing it for all my server needs (proxy, web server, etc.). So I always ran in non-X “init 3” mode. Now that it’s been upped to an AMD K6-2 400MHz (yeah it could be better, but it could be worse), I have Gnome running. I haven’t used it for much yet, but now that I’ve gotten XWin-32 up, I can run all those juicy freshmeat apps under Windows. I couldn’t believe how easy it was to set up. BTW, Putty has been my ssh client of choice, again simple as pie to use.

server machine =
connection type = rsh

export DISPLAY=[IP]:0
[any x app] &

Do the math from above, and you can see that I am pulling down over 2.7 Mbps. Oh happy day!