I’ve framed Google!

After many heated discussions concerning frames, my conclusion is that either you’re a frames zealot or a frames bigot, there’s no middle ground. Well, zealots rejoice! My portal site now does Google framed searches. Type in a search in the google box, hit enter, and the results are displayed down the left pane. Click an item in the results, and the target is displayed in the right frame. It’s the only way to browse, IMHO (being a frames zealot)…

Read on for the techy details…

The navigation frame on the top left is just some static html that refers to a perl script to populate the lefthand pane. In the perl script, I use WWW::Mechanize to grab the google search form, fill it out, click-through it, grab the results, and parse the h3ll out of it. I slap a [BASE TARGET=”main”] into it, and viola, results are displayed in the main tab.Try it out, I know it will be put to good use by me anyway. Here’s the GPL’ed code if you want it… let me know if you do anything cool to extend/modify it…

WWW::Mechanize kicks so much a$$ it’s just about impossible to overrate…

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