I am no longer a total Cyrus IMAP newbie. Cyrus IMAP newbies don’t run and administer Cyrus IMAP servers, at least not for long.

That said, I’ve lost a lot of email along the way. This stuff hasn’t been easy or straightforward. That’s mainly due to linux’s modular architecture, which is the only way to go, but it’s a mixed blessing. By the time you really figure out something like Cyrus, you’ll likely have learned a lot about linux’s authentication (PAM), your mail transport agent (MTA – it actually listens for mail and hands it off to Cyrus), other available MTA’s (sendmail, exim, qmail… why are there so many?), PHP and Mysql configuration, and so on.

So I’m not going to try to explain what it takes to get it all working. The main doc that makes that attempt is here. Use it as a reference – it’s extremely unlikely you’ll be able to actually go through the outlined steps directly. I definitely recommend trying to find a pre-built package for your distro.

I just wanted to document the steps that are needed with postfix and cyrus to get multiple virtual domains handled on one installation. There are two files that need tweaking, /etc/postfix/main.cf, and /etc/imapd.conf.

To do…

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