I’m updating my boost installations to latest CVS, here are a couple quick notes. In addition, instead of having blog chatter all over the place, I’ll consolidate my boost installation notes onto my wiki, see here.

Serialization library names have changed under Windoze (at least since VC7.1), and “automatic linking” should now be working correctly. The boost “Getting Started” notes explain the library naming scheme, but it shouldn’t matter – the linking should be automatic once you include a boost header file. The default is to link statically (why would you want anything else?), but if you are a glutton for punishment you can check the “Getting Started” notes to set up dynamic linking. There are a few libraries that don’t auto-link, again, check “Getting Started”.

Another thing to note for Windows builds: you should run vcvars32.bat before compiling, but even so, that doesn’t guarantee that the Platform SDK files will come first. They did NOT come first in the default installation on my machine. So if you want to ensure that you’re using the latest Platform SDK headers before the base Visual C++ headers, check the INCLUDE and LIB variables after running vcvars32.bat and adjust accordingly (or adjust the vcvars32.bat file, which I’ve seen recommended on boost.org).

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