I’ve moved to Chandler 1.0-rc1. Not a lot different, still looking good. My linux upgrade on gentoo AMD64 (using the Ubuntu “compressed image” build on the linux download page, works great) went without a hitch. On Windows, the 0.7.7 release barfed when it ran low on memory. I started getting the dreaded “Another Chandler is already running” message on startup. Upgrading to 1.0-rc1 didn’t help. The error message is bogus, here‘s my report explaining the problem. I deleted my repository in the [Documents and Settings\(user)\Application Data\Open Source Applications Foundation\Chandler] folder, recreated it by restoring from the most recent backup, and resynced to the Hub.

If you need to get through a proxy, you still need the http workaround. Here it is in a nutshell.

A proxy can be specified in File->Configure HTTP Proxy. After discussion on irc with gbaillie and JeffreyH, I found that chandler uses https by default when syncing with a “Chandler Hub Sharing” account. This does not appear to use the proxy. The workaround is to set up a “Chandler Server Sharing” account, and specify the hub settings manually, using http instead of https:

  Server: [ hub.chandlerproject.org ]
  Path:   [ /                       ]
  Port:   [ 80                      ]
  [ ] Use SSL (unchecked)

If you use a valid hub account username/password and press the Test… button, it should succeed.

Now get yourself organized!

OK, I’m not sure of the protocol on this, but since it’s now released into wild I guess I can brag a little. I’ve done a bit of work on the side for Intense Debate and the first fruits are showing up:

  • the announcement of the beta release of my plugins
  • the Firefox addons showing a couple dozen downloads and 5 5-star reviews (as of today)

I have newer versions and I’m working on a bloglines beta addon now. Fun fun!

UPDATE: Looks like the beta release of the first two addons is official now.

I wondered if FF3 was unmasked yet
Ran [eix firefox].
Found I was missing a FF2 bump.

tdm2 ~ # elogviewer
Elogviewer should help you not to miss important information like: 

If you have just upgraded from an older version of python you
will need to run:

please do run it and restart elogviewer.
tdm2 ~ # /usr/sbin/python-updater
 * Starting Python Updater from 2.4 to 2.5 :

Blocked by fluxspace (which is nowhere in portage now).
[emerge –unmerge fluxspace]
Try [python-updater] again.
More blocks (postgresql). It’s older, kill it (let it get pulled in again if needed)….
More blocks (libcap…)…
and now emerging 65 packages! yikes…

UPDATE: Doing the update on desktop.
emerge –unmerge pessulus
emerge –unmerge deskbar-applet
emerge -Davu gnome-games
(3 blocks!)
emerge –unmerge gnome-applets gst-plugins-ugly totem
emerge -Davu gnome-games
74 packages! *gulp* here we go…
looking good. Let’s push my luck…
/usr/sbin/python-updater && emerge -Du mozilla-firefox && emerge_all_minprompts

I’ve upgraded this blog to WordPress 2.6, and tried to tidy up a bit. My favorite trick for today came from here, where the author discusses a “geek switch” to turn off his more technical material. I have a Chatter category that’s in the same boat – sometimes I want to see it, sometimes I don’t. And I don’t want first-time visitors to have to see it.

I modified the original author’s toggle approach a bit, widgetized, with a touch more Javascript and updated for WordPress 2.6. You can see the toggle in the sidebar to the right, try clicking on it. Pretty fun eh?

See my Toggle Category wiki article for the gory details on setting this baby up. I <3 WordPress.

It’s a little better. But I’m a little bored of it, I might go for another one of the plaintxt themes. Had to fight with CSS a little until I liked my UL and LI blocks. Cleaned up the sidebar so there are fewer posts. Move on…

UPDATE: AND… an upgrade to WordPress 2.6 broke me. Fixing now… ok, fixed by upgrading plugins, and following this (rather long!) fix… ooo look at how purdy the admin pages are now! :>

UPDATE UPDATE: AND… I’ve excluded chatter from the home page! This is SWEET. And simple – see this thread.

UPDATE^3: now WIDGETIZED, nice! I am determined to get a category tree working, too.