Lots of people have been doing this style of web mashup for a long time. Things are now stable enough, even in FF3, that you can jump in and get ramped up super-fast.

  • Install Firefox, along with Greasemonkey and Firebug addons.
  • Grab a starter script from here, save it as [myscript].user.js, and open it in Firefox (Ctrl-O) to install it.
  • Bang on it! Change the script to do your bidding…
    • change the target website
    • browse around for DOM objects to mangle with Firebug’s Inspect
    • you can do cross-site xmlhttprequests, whoop!
    • reload by simply reopening the file and refreshing the page
  • Compile the script into a FF addon in one easy step, here.

Bring all your honed software development skillz, or things will get messy fast. Get mashing!

Also check out chickenfoot for another way to go.

Using Eclipse 3.4 for Java work on Windows, working without a hitch on our fairly large code base. It was actually easier to set up the project than with 3.3. The correct Java version was selected based on the code, the correct libraries were included – I had to do both of those steps manually for our code base using Eclipse 3.3.

Also using the CDT perspective for C++. Haven’t actually built or debugged anything yet, but it’s nice for browsing code. Upwards and onwards.

The personal information manager Chandler rocks the house.

Unfortunately, it was a target of the Wired hype machine, labeled as the “Outlook killer”, half a decade ago. It was also the subject of a full-length book about software development failure. Its founder (and FUNDER) recently left the project. Apparently, pretty much everyone that has been following the project for any length of time (fortunately I’m not in that group!) has doomed it. So, with everything going against it, it was apparently time for the devs to step it up.

The 0.7.7 release is absolutely humming on my linux and Windoze boxxen. They all sync to a central web server (the “Hub”) that the Chandler project maintains. Then you also get a really nicely done functioning AJAX website to manage your tasks. It’s all open source, so maybe some day I’ll set up my own server (I’m naive like that, and stubborn too, so I might pull it off). In the meantime, I’m synced and happy.

The snag I hit in setting it up was getting Chandler to sync through a proxy. I chatted with the devs on the #chandler channel on FreeNode, they helped me through it. I filed a bug that explains the workaround they provided, added a new FAQ entry, and while I was at it, added a request for an official gentoo ebuild. Whoop.

Getting the dreaded…

hda: status timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy }

Time to….

  1. Learn how to ghost/raid (well, past time, to be honest…)
  2. Order some new hardware

I was getting this: