I usually yawn when the latest development “paradigm shift” rolls by. But there is a paradigm shift in source control software (software change management, software configuration management, source code management, version control system, revision control or whatever more “correct” term you want to use, geesh) with which I have fallen in love. In a word: distributed.

I am poking my toe in the ocean of mythtv development, and all I wanted to do was track my own changes along with the latest changes submitted by the main developers. Sounds totally basic, right? I traveled down a bit of a road though before I came to the best solution: git. Check out the git-for-open-source wiki article for the why and how. git fits like a glove.

Just as a teaser, here’s what you’ll end up with:

           /                 \
public repo                   svn repo
           \                 /

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